TiAm's Forum Posts

  • As an alternative, a lot of people (including myself) are quite fond of the third party chipmunk physics plugin (courtesy R0J0hound):

  • Well, it's all speculation at this point, but if Xbox universal apps ends up using a framework compatible with C2, I'd say you shouldn't have too much trouble with memory on that platform.

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    No, no, you're missing what's so awesome about this: the dev doesn't need to provide a server, or storage. Google stores the data in a special partition of the player's Gdrive, and pulls it into whatever device the player chooses to use, providing they are logged in with google play.

    Google has some limits on how big an individual chunk of save data can be (3mb I think), but it's plenty big enough for our needs.

  • Ashley

    Is it still true that the official Google Play plugin doesn't work with Crosswalk? If so, is there any chance of support pre-C3? There's a third-party solution by cranberry games, but it's a little rough around the edges to say the least.

    • Post link icon

    https://developers.google.com/games/ser ... savedgames

    This would be an awesome addition to C2. The great thing about this API is that is provides an easy, cloud based game save solution that allows players to continue progress across multiple devices and OS environments.

    It would also let us upload new versions of our games from different build systems (Phonegap, XDK/Crosswalk, CJS, etc), without having to worry about the player losing their progress.

    It would also be a great backup to Webstorage, which hasn't always been flawless (as can attest). Also, these save files are stored in a special section of the player's Gdrive, and cannot be tampered with.

    It would be doubly amazing if XDK could support this ( imaffett ), as this sort of device-agnostic feature would be very much in-line with the concept of 'deploy anywhere, use anywhere'.

    Would anyone else be interested in this?

  • szymek

    Preload sounds manually at the start of each layout. How long are the sounds? If they are short, you shouldn't have any trouble.

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  • Seems like this version either works great...or terrible.

    In it's defense, it is an alpha version. Wonder when the first 0.12x stable is expected?

    Edit: Lunatrap

    Did you try exporting? facecjf said that this version of node was janking for him on preview, but worked fine on export. Just a thought.

  • Well, this is not quite the firestorm that the janking issue was. That affected pretty much everybody, whereas this issue just affects the Android environment.

    So far, another ~40 people starred this since a few days ago, but the jank topic got starred by 400 people, which is a big difference.

    Still, I wish someone from Google would chime in and at least say 'boo' or 'we're working on it' or 'deal with it, plebs'.

    Load time makes a difference, and as it stands, this slow decoding adds a big, unnecessary delay every time someone starts your app.

    I've had to adapt in my current game and stagger manual sound preloads, but that has meant bulking out the intro by inducing little delays on startup for the prescroll, title screen, and menu, for when decoding is taking too long. It's more aesthetically pleasing than "ye ole lodeing geare", but it puts me at a disadvantage none-the-less.

  • Okay, so I've got to actually go alpha/beta before I can preview the listing? That's kind of odd.

    Oh well, at least I know I'm not missing the preview button...it just doesn't exist.

    Thanks for the info codah shinkan

  • Hey all. I'm working on getting my first mobile app up on google play. Overall it's going well...except that I can't figure out how to preview my Store Listing.

    I googled and everything, but I'm hitting a brick wall here. I'd also like to be able to preview the listing on my own android device.


  • Do you have sounds in your project?

    If you do, chances are your long game loads on Android are due to chrome's sluggish audio decoding.

    Yes, this affects phonegap and crosswalk too.

    But guess what? There's a bug report. By Ashley himself. Which can be starred. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil">

    https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=424174

    You know the drill.


  • Well, I found the relevant bug report:

    https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=424174

    With the jank issue, we managed to push bug 42200 into the top 25 bugs on the chromium tracker, by star count. That's out of 72,000 open issues. It also got the problem mostly fixed (for now... <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_confused.gif" alt=":?" title="Confused"> ).

    Maybe it's time for another round of 'let's nag Google'. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green">

  • +1

    Yeah, seriously, just do this. Tom

  • Well, maybe Somebody will do this Someday. Who knows...