... savedgames
This would be an awesome addition to C2. The great thing about this API is that is provides an easy, cloud based game save solution that allows players to continue progress across multiple devices and OS environments.
It would also let us upload new versions of our games from different build systems (Phonegap, XDK/Crosswalk, CJS, etc), without having to worry about the player losing their progress.
It would also be a great backup to Webstorage, which hasn't always been flawless (as — can attest). Also, these save files are stored in a special section of the player's Gdrive, and cannot be tampered with.
It would be doubly amazing if XDK could support this (
imaffett ), as this sort of device-agnostic feature would be very much in-line with the concept of 'deploy anywhere, use anywhere'.
Would anyone else be interested in this?