TiAm's Forum Posts

  • FYI to everyone: debug readings are not to be trusted. If you really want to run comparisons, make a spritefont readout and populate it with fps/cpu/objCount/etc.

    Anyway: When I experimented with this back a few months ago, my impression was that 'on collision' and 'is overlapping' tended to be similar to each other vis-a-vis CPU usage. However, when pushed really hard (bullet hell shooter with thousands of bullets), 'is overlapping' had pretty consistent performance, whereas 'on collision' seemed to cause more instances of stutter and slowdown, even if the average CPU/FPS was the same.

  • imaffett

    What is the status of the Crosswalk Player app? Search for "Crosswalk Player" on this page:

    https://software.intel.com/en-us/html5/ ... t2_android

    I just DL'd it to find it's all the way back on crosswalk version 8. Could we get a v10 version? It's way easier than having to re-export and rebuild in XDK, which is an insanely overcomplicated workflow during heavy development.

  • This is good news.

    Krita is a little unstable, but it's an awesome compliment to GIMP, and has an excellent set of brushes and FX which, IMO, are way higher quality than GIMP's. Plus, a beautiful dark interface...

  • ^

  • Found the changed code in preview.js. I don't claim to 100% understand it, but it includes some logic specific to low-latency frame scheduling on mobile devices, which should, theoretically, help reduce dropped/mis-scheduled frames.

    If you are interested you can see the changes by comparing an earlier version of preview.js with the current one. I'd recommend notepad++ along with the excellent 'compare' plugin:

    http://www.davidtan.org/how-to-compare- ... epad-plus/

  • Hmm, I ran a few tests, but haven't made up my mind yet...I guess I'm just a little wary of the placebo effect. Would be interesting to know more specifics about what has changed and what type of loads would best demo the improvements.

  • To tell you the truth, now that I try it again, the steam demo seems about the same as the demo you linked. I still get some halts and jerks here and there, even at a low rez and with 'fast' graphics, but nothing too bad. The consistant threshold on 'standard' seems to be 1024x576.

  • Another idea, as suggested before, would be to try a node-webkit export and compare. Maybe one with 10.5 and one with the latest alpha. IIRC, I was able to use a higher rez when playing the steam demo, at least 720p.

  • My observations are similar to other posters: smaller window is better, even at fixed resolutions. In chrome, on a 3570k w/ a HD4000 iGPU running win 7 x64, the highest rez I can use without dipping below 60fps is 1024x576. 1280x720 is inconsistant, any higher is very, very bad.

    Curiously, IE can only maintain 60fps up to 960x540. However, as you observed, motion quality is much more consistant, and it remains 'playable' all the way up to the maximum rez, even though the fps drops to around 30.

    What version of C2 are you exporting with? Ashley has made some recent improvements to the C2 engine, including a better algo for timescaling (more accurate dt) as of r196.2. Might help...

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  • GSE

    C2 won't export to Cordova if I set fullscreen to off.


    New XDK has no option for Crosswalk v11, just v7 and v10. XDK's new press release says 'updated to Crosswalk V11'.


  • Anybody ever get a thin, 1px line at the bottom of their game window when exporting thru crosswalk? This seems to appear when using the Browser - Fullscreen option from within C2, which is the only way I've found to make the status bar go away.

    This issue persists across layouts, and yes, my layouts all have black backgrounds on the bottom layer, so that isn't it either.

    Here's some example pics:

  • Bumping.

    If you haven't starred this issue, please take a few seconds to do so. It's a really significant problem on mobile devices, and there hasn't been an update from google in over 3 months now...

  • What is needed to use all those cores is what's called 'parallelism'. Roughly, that means a program can split it's operations into multiple parts, which only need to 'sync' with each other periodically. At this time, javascript can only do that under special circumstances (Web-workers).

    However, there is work being done to bring parallel support to modern javascript engines, which will eventually be able to optimize incoming code automatically, ie., the code won't need to explicitly request those optimizations.

    tl;dr: In a few years, when 8 to 12 core processors become more common, especially in mobiles, we'll start seeing support for more than 1 core.

  • Ashley

    Oh wow, okay, that's great news. Could you fix the manual entry then? Because it still says the following (which wasted 2 days work on my end):

      Unfortunately at this time Google Play Game Services only work from a web browser. It does not currently work from Crosswalk or any non-browser wrappers like CocoonJS or Ejecta. However it should still work on mobile browsers such as Chrome for Android.

    When I read the info relating to phonegap/cordova, I assumed it meant the plugin would work with Phonegap Build (ie., on Android L), but the above lead me, understandably, to believe it didn't work in crosswalk.

  • Similar to box2d, maybe a hair lower cpu usage. The framerate seems more consistent though. I've only used it a bit, so I'm probably not the best person to ask.