TiAm's Forum Posts

  • OBS for me. It's open source, free, has tons of features, and is the only recorder I've used that can capture 60fps without lagging gameplay.

  • All existing C2 content already has Ogg Vorbis audio. Switching format to something like Opus would be tricky because everyone would have to re-encode/transcode their audio files.

    That's true. I hadn't considered that. Trans-coding low bitrate files = bad.

    Vorbis is still a great codec too. If this idea works out, and we can use ogg everywhere, and get faster decoding on android...I'll be happy.

  • To be perfectly honestly, intel gpus, while vastly better than the iGPU's of old, still suck.

    I did a little googling, and it seems that intel iGPU's generally fall behind on performance and stability with OpenGL, which is the basis of webGL.

    The solution is...there is no immediate solution. It's not just you.

    On a personal note, ATM I'm looking into getting a GPU for my system because I've been having a host of display problems with my intel HD4000, including in Krita, the C2 IDE, and in my VM linux machine hosted on the same system. All are minor, but annoying, and I'm pretty sure they are all related to the shortcoming of my intel graphics driver, which is unlikely to get many (any?) more updates.

  • Really good idea.


  • Here's another program for generating optimized 8-bit png's:


    Get the windows GUI PNGoo.

    This uses a different algorithm than C2 to decimate colors. In some cases, it can generate better quality, with roughly the same image size as C2's 8-bit mode.

    Either way you go, in many cases the difference between 24bit and 8 bit are indistinguishable.

  • asm.js has been proven to reach close-to-native speeds, and puts control of audio decoding in our hands (e.g. we can run it over multiple threads with web workers, instead of hoping the browser does that). It would have other benefits like allowing platforms that don't support Ogg Vorbis but support Web Audio (Safari, soon IE) to use the Ogg Vorbis files for sound effects. So it's something I'm interested in looking in to even if this bug gets fixed. And if it doesn't, then we can work around it ourselves too.

    That sounds awesome, especially since it would let us use open formats on Safari and IE.

    Since you are willing to consider this, have you looked at opus at all? I don't think it's that much slower than ogg, but it allows for some hefty reductions in bitrate, especially for vocal content (nearly transparent at 32kbps).


  • Aphrodite

    Yes, thanks for testing the phone too. That's an interesting result; it shows that chrome is decoding slower period, even when the number of cores is only one (so threading wouldn't matter). Unfortunately, it seems like chrome is particularly slow at decoding ogg.


    Thanks for testing. Can you post those result on the bug report too? It helps to reiterate to the chrome devs that this speed discrepancy can be replicated on many different devices.

  • Sounds interesting, will be sure to give it a try. So, it can play, for example, a WAV file loaded as a C2 resource? Can it do so without substantial delay? If so, that would be awesome.

    Thx for sharing!

    Edit: Doesn't seem to be a play action...?

  • I didn't try NW.JS 12, but I also get an error exporting the test project above with nw 10.5. Disabling minify fixes the problem.

    Must be something to do with the minification botching a var name/string.

  • Do you have an android device? Can you spare a few minutes? If so, you can help diagnose a problem that significantly slows down loading on android when using chrome or chromium based exporters (Phonegap, Crosswalk).

    1. DL the latest chrome for android

    2. DL the latest Firefox for android (yes, there's FF for android. It's actually quite good.)

    3. Run the following test in both FF and Chrome. http://www.scirra.com/labs/bugs/webaudiodecode/

    4. Test both OGG and AAC and note the time taken for each. You should end up with 4 different scores, 2 for each browser.

    5. Go to this chrome bug report: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issu ... ?id=424174

    6. Star it.

    7. Post your results, along with your device details. Particularly, your cpu information (model, how many cores).

    7a. If you don't know about your cpu, use the following app to find out: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... puid.cpu_z

    That's it. BTW, while everything helps, scores for single core, hexa(6)-core, and octo(8)-core devices are particularly useful.

  • Glad you were able to hit your target.

    R0J0hound's suggestion sounds like a good one too, maybe for some of your heaviest processes.

    I'm never actually dealt with the RTS gametype, but I've read that it's one of the most difficult game designs to implement efficiently. I hope you can enjoy the challenge...

  • Damn...I'm surprised A.I. is chewing up so much. I've also got a 3570k, and I can usually get away with quite a lot of chaos before cpu gets to be a problem. If you have 50 actors (drones) that are, by themselves, chewing up 50% of your cpu...that just doesn't sound right.

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  • I know this is a bit OTT, but in that stress test of yours, what is chewing up most of your resources? Cols? A.I.? Draw calls?

  • Colludium

    Wow, that's awesome! I had no idea NW.JS could do that!

    Edit: So far I'm just trying 10.5 (can't DL 12 'til after midnight local...long story).

    Anyway, with 10.5, this is the best I've seen airscape run. However, going 'auto' resolution and fullscreen still drags me down to 40fps. That being said, the stuttering is much less severe; I would consider the game playable like this. Also, 1366x768 works really well; solid 60fps, soooo smooth.

    Will give 12 a run later; hope it works even better!

  • Colludium

    How did you try the Airscape demo in the new NW.JS? Or are you talking about a different bench?

    I've been on 10.5 forever...wonder if it's finally time to update...?