TheWyrm's Forum Posts

  • Day 2 - Bump

  • Just to note before I get posts suggesting I should change project settings, I already have a solution that gets around this issue. What I am interested in is if it is a bug, since the preview in chrome is perfectly capable of scaling without gaps.

  • So is iOS 8.1 beta the same thing as 8.01 which was released then withdrawn and replaced with 8.02 today? Or were those hot fixes and not the beta?

    Just trying to work out if people are mistyping version numbers. As presently it sounds like we maybe waiting quite some time for a fix.

  • cranberrygame Well that would be awesome. I'm sure the community would appreciate this fix/improvement.

  • Hi guys,

    I have created a layer where i have some 64x64 pixels tiles in a grid formation. Then I change the scale of the layer depending on the players actions. However, I seem to find a difference between previewing and viewing the exported files in browser.

    When I am previewing in Chrome there are no gaps.

    When I export the project as HTML5 and view in chrome I get gaps.

    So why is the preview different from the browser?

    Kind regards,


  • ok, that's good to know. Thanks for the information. You're a star Ashley

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  • With Cocoonjs there were a number of plugins/features that were unsupported.

    [quote:9gf6c7ow]- The form control plugins Textbox and Button are not supported.

    • The XML object is not supported.
    • The Facebook object is not supported.
    • The letterbox fullscreen modes are not supported. If they are selected, it will fall back to 'Scale outer' mode instead.
    • The Text plugin's 'Set web font' action is not supported.
    • The WebStorage plugin's session storage is not available. Use local storage or global variables instead.

    So I want to know which official plugins and features work out of the box with phonegap and crosswalk? i.e. Does Facebook and Twitter work? Do the above work? Are there any known features that don't work?

    Any information would be helpful so I can avoid pitholes early.

    Kind regards,


  • I'm not completely sure but I believe this is something phonegap/cordova have to fix


  • I am back on Thursday, so if nobody has confirmed those plugins are working by then I will do it...

  • lol

    I would suggest that people who aren't answering Ashley's direct request refrain from posting and start their own topic.

    Ashley I would test it for you but I am out of the office for a few days without my apple products.

  • Aphrodite the problem I had was instead of going transparent it went black like it shows in the png. However, that did help me find the solution.

    So the solution was I create a layer and set it to a solid colour. Then set the blend mode to source atop. Then I add a sprite to that layer with the blend mode set to source out. What this does is cut holes out of solid colour to show what is below.

    This maybe not the best way to do it as I found it by trial and error. So if anybody knows how to do it better then do let me know.

    If anybody is interested I am using this technique to solve tile map gap problem when scaling. I basically fill a layer with the colour I want to appear in the gap. Then put the tile map on top. NICE!

  • Hi guys,

    So basically I want to cut holes out of a layer that has a non-transparent coloured background so that the layers behind it can be seen.

    The layer setup I was think of was is as followed.

    • The lowest layer will be the background.
    • The middle layer will use a solid coloured background.
    • The highest layer will have sprites on it that cut shapes out of the middle layer so the lowest level is exposed.

    Any ideas?

    Kind regards,


  • Ashley Ok, that's fine but I wonder how anybody is meant to know that they 'should' do it that way? I mean the shared terminology is confusing when they are both called clone but they do different things. It maybe better to call the one in the project browser something else like 'duplicate' in my opinion. I raised this in the general forum before posting here to make sure it was issue and it seems that it wasn't just me wondering why properties weren't being copied.

  • ludei

    From my point of view the plugin is missing following plugin options.

    -Post/invite from Facebook / Twitter

    -Game Center / Google Play Games Service

    -Local notifications


    Until those are included CJS doesn’t have all the things it needs from construct2 developers. Yes, the plugin is opensource. Yes, somebody else could do it… but fully supporting means you should do it for C2 users.