TheWyrm's Forum Posts

  • Construct2 exports to HTML5 no matter which platform you select as they all support HTML5. What you are asking for is a pretty big feature.

  • I assume what happens is that when you clone from the project window it does not exist in a layout yet. So when you drag it into a layout the extra properties that aren't seen are added. However, those things propagate with the default value.

  • cranberrygame

    If you have got 70% of it done you may as well complete it. It could be a long way off having an official plugin. :/

  • cranberrygame

    Hi, just checking up on progress.

    What is going on with Phonegap FacebookPB?

    You mentioned some time ago that you were going to make a 'Google Play Game Services' plugin? is that still happening?

    Do these plugins work when using the XDK for the cordova builds?

    Kind regards,


  • All I know is they definitely connect to a phone via bluetooth connection and they can tell you the time!!!

    The LG G Watch looks like all it does is stream some trivial information from the phone. If it had some form of app store I might be tempted. The Apple Watch looks like it does have some form of app store from the official product video.

    However, information is very vague. So I'll wait.

  • So find a **** girl wearing OR to prove your point You wont find one because they no longer have a face.

    If we take it back to the basics as in Roger's innovation adoption curve.

    I would say they are only at the innovators point so far and they are yet to get anywhere near the mass market and breach the chasm.

    Anyway, no point going on about it, but I will say if it does take off the world will become a very unsocial place

  • It's kind of hard to find out any information about what the 'LG G Watch' ( actually does. The apple watch at least looks like it will support apps. I just think it would be cool to have one of these again.

  • Fimbul I agree. It 'could' be an inexpensive way for multiple screens. Also I suspect that OR's early kit releases to developers is a way to appeal to the kind of people that would find it acceptable to where such things. I just don't see enough of the general public buying it to have a future.

    My reasons are as followed:

    • The first release to the general public will be big and bulky and very unattractive.
    • When using it you'll look like Ray Charles playing the piano (no offense intended).

    IT people already have a nerdy stigma attached to them. Strap something ugly to their face, that makes them and their movements look strange, while completely obscuring the real world. Look at google glass...

    This looks much sexier than the OR, but look at what the media is saying about it

  • I think from a mobile point of view we need the following plugins for Cordova/PhoneGap and Crosswalk. The highest priority/core plugins that I think game developer need are as followed:

    • Full screen and banner ads - Developers often have to make their games free as their product is unknown to consumers. Therefore advertising allows developers to make money on their games without the player reaching for their pocket.
    • Cross platform IAP - Developers often have a full and free version of the game. The free version will normally have advertising in and it is common to allow users to use an IAP to remove the advertising as well as provide more gameplay. I say 'cross platform' as it would be better for C2 users to have a general set of events rather than specific events for each platform. However, It's better to have something than nothing.
    • Post/invite from Facebook / Twitter - Marketing is very important factor of a games success and most indie developers cannot afford to do it in a big way i.e. TV adverts. Therefore, the rest of the indie developers have to use the cheap strategy of viral advertising through social networks. This is done by incentivising people to use and share game notifications through their social network i.e. Get a free in game pink hat for inviting your friend to the game.
    • Game Center / Google Play Games Service leaderboards - Users need a reason to come back to a game and in addition to your game goals a shared leaderboard among friends encourages one-upmanship rivalry.

    The next highest priority plugins that I think game developers need are as followed:

    • Local notifications - Users need to be reminded to come back to a game and local notifications fill that purpose i.e. You have completed mining for rubies! Your goblins have no jobs to do!
    • Prompt to rate - The higher the rating the better the perceived quality of your game. The amount of people playing the game but don't rate it will be incredibly high. So players have to be reminded.
    • Analytics - Most people don't realise the value in game analytics. However, they can be incredibly powerful tool to allow developer to refine the game experience. i.e. 50% of users stop playing the game at level 3, which could mean the level is too difficult and a more gradual difficulty curve is required.

    Then generally I would like to see.

    • Disable plugin - There are times that you don't want to include a plugin/object in the export, but you also can't delete it as it will remove all the corresponding actions. So I would like a bool on the plugin which disables all the corresponding action code and doesn't include it in the export.
    • Include OG tags in the index page - It makes it more searchable via search engines and social networks know how to share your link.
    • Change the background colour of the html page - At present it is set to white, but I think most people would prefer it black. It's easy enough to change it manually, but its a bit annoying.
    • Include html from a template page for banners - This will save you constantly re-adding html to the index page.
    • Change the background colour of the html page - At present it is set to white, but I think most people would prefer it black. It's easy enough to change it manually, but its a bit annoying.
    • Group layer or subgroup layers - There are times when you have to use multiple layers to get something to work. Now lets say you want to apply a ripple effect to the whole scene... Well it would require you to put the effect on each layer. Which is expensive. So I wonder if we could apply the effect to a group if it would be cheaper?
    • Share sprite option when cloning - So there are times where you need to use the same sprite but cloned multiple times. For instance when doing a parallax effect you need to have at least two sprites side by side scrolling across the screen. So you need two textures stored in memory. This problem can be solved by spawning the same sprite in again and using instance variables, but it gets a bit complicated.

    Yeah. I don't want much!

  • Sure.. lets hope it survives this stage...

  • *******
  • Anonnymitet Yes, I have used it and don't get me wrong it is cool. However, my comparison of technologies is purely based on fashion. If you look like an idiot wearing something it wont take off.

    I can see people going to a place and using it ala cinema or 'gunmen of the apocalypse'/'squid of despair' (Red Dwarf). However, I can't see a family of four sitting in their living room looking like the borg

    ***Just my opinion***

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  • Seems like you are showing half the settings above. What are the rest?

  • So there will be three flavors of smart watches out soon: Tizen, Google and Apple Watch.

    Anybody know what the HTML5 support is like for Tizen and Google watches? or tried a C2 app on them?

  • Slice you turn the export back on again, but Scirra is no longer supporting it.