theseanmullins's Forum Posts

  • I went back and played it again and I did use the retry button and the score still didn't save. I'm using the same browser and not closing it or clicking back, just the retry button.

    I see the yellow arrow now. I had my laptop screen blocking the very bottom of my main screen and didn't see it before. I think it is fine being a little yellow arrow. I agree with you, a dashed line across the screen may be distracting unless they can make it subtle some how. Over all I still think it is fun and challenging.

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  • I'm going to be honest with you, I think you need to keep going with this project. You did this in 2 weeks?! Just imagine what you could do in a few months. You already had some good basic puzzles, it looks pretty good and fairly challenging.

    I would also be interested in seeing your work flow from creating the pixel art to character control to level design etc.

  • I thought this was pretty fun! Good work.

    A few things I noticed. My top score always showed zero and never changed. Also, I knocked back the enemies pretty far and would get an awesome combo to where they were almost off the screen, however, the game would accelerate for about .25 seconds and move them all forward. It was almost punishment for doing a really good. I"m not sure if that is what you intended or not. Otherwise, good job!

  • On a side note, I looked at your wife's website and it looks awesome. I may consider subscribing in a few years! We are still learning how to hold our heads up at the moment though.

  • I'm not sure if this was a bug or not, but I noticed the first time I picked up the package the boat turned around with the dog on it. The second time I picked up the package the boat turned around and the dog was gone.

    For a kids game I would tone down the difficulty just a little. Not much. The Bees inside of the wind mill was a little daunting lol. It got fairly challenging when the plane was shooting at me, but I liked that difficulty. However, I could see my 7 year old niece and nephew struggling with that.

    One thing that would look nice is potentially a shadow or reflection in the water for the owl. It would help show how close you are to hitting the bottom boundary. I noticed you can get what appears to be close to the water and make water splash up (which is a nice touch) but it was kind of difficult to know when I would go too far. The user on the forums named BOP has some good tutorials about reflections that you could possibly use and modify.

  • I played the demo a little bit and I like this. It is a clever puzzle game. In my opinion, it would be nice if you allow the block spawn to move directly to the column where I click instead of making the player click repeatedly to get it to move all the way across the top. The other thing is, the clouds in the background are kind of distracting with their outlines flashing on and off. Other than that, I think it is fun.

  • First of all, these are all very impressive and look professionally polished. The cut scenes and intro screens look very good. One question though, how did you make the vehicles look so good (3D) in Beach City Drifters?

  • Noob Question: How do i play?

    I think he is asking where can we play it at? Can you provide a link?

  • Ah dop2000 thank you for your help again. Once again Construct has a super simple solution.

  • Hey Everyone,

    I'm looking for some advice on making a masking effect. I have cobbled together a demo to show you what I want but I am sure there has to be a better way to do this.

    I essentially placed sprites on different layers and Z elevations to mask a wheel of color. When the phones button is pressed, words(mask) and the color wheel are set to visible. The color wheel is behind everything so you can only see what is showing through in the center of the letters.

    This works for a demo but is not practical once I start trying to add this to a game where the background is anything other that white.

    Any tips for a proper way to make a complex mask such as letter shapes?

    Not sure if I am doing the dropbox link correct or not.


  • Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain all of that. I will need to digest some of it. I have been looking through your code and saved it for a future reference.

  • Can you walk through what the Spawn enemy function is doing and how it works? I see, for example, goon - On created, set skinID to self. UID then calls a function spawn enemy.

    The function looks like it chooses the enemyskin and sets a hit box to the size of the enemy? Is that correct? I'm sorry I'm still learning and instances and UIDs are confusing to me.

  • Honestly, I think you have a fairly solid looking WIP. I'm interested to see if anyone has better ideas for the sword swing/animation. I am in need of a better solution for that as well.

    Three thoughts:

    Does the timer provide a benefit to anything? Once your project gets bigger will it just be extra, unnecessary coding for you?

    I know its a WIP, and your Minotaur looks awesome but the art doesn't match the player per say. Your player has black outlines and the Minotaur does not which makes him appear a little flat. Overall, I think all looks great.

    You should try to keep regular updates posted because this looked interesting.

  • Thanks guys. I will give them a try. Hopefully you can see some of my disasters soon haha.

  • Hey Folks,

    I have been stalking the "post a screenshot of your project" forum for a while now and would like to share my small slice of progress. How do you create a GIF of your game to post on the forums?
