theseanmullins's Forum Posts

  • Have you made any progress on this? This looks pretty interesting.

  • Someone needs to send you a medal for your service! I think people could build a game strictly from your demos. I'm proposing a spring time game jam to be "build a game using Dops tutorials only"

  • I honestly have to say, I enjoyed this more than I expected. I will give it another play later when I am on break and have some more time to play around with it. My only gripe, which is very small, is that the art style for the character (which looks awesome by the way) and the background are different. The character has high lights and low lights and the weighted black lines to add some details and then the background just looks a little unfinished. However, this does help keep the focus on the player instead of anything else on the screen.

  • I laughed entirely way to hard when Dave ran into a coworker and looked disappointed to have to listen to them talk. I am actually working on a corporate satire game as well. Dave-man looks extremely relatable.. Especially this morning.

  • I have been following #indiegame on instragram for a while now and kept seeing posts about a Guinea Pig game. Now I see it is made with Construct and it looks professionally made! Nice work with everything so far. I like the art style and can't even begin to comprehend how long the animations took. They really do look fluid.

  • I like the enemy running away from the player and pulling out a white flag. Overall it is looking good!

  • R0J0hound I really appreciate that you took the the time to explain this. Unfortunately, I did what I should have done before I posted which was search and study what was going on. I actually drew a grid on paper and worked it out to see what was going on. Thank you for your time though!

  • R0J0hound can you explain how and why this works? I mean I plugged it in and it works exactly as you say. The object moves in 180 arcs until it reaches the end destination.. But why? Can you walk through the code and explain what is happening?

    Give the enemy these variables: t=1, cx,cy, a, r

    On some trigger

    — enemy: set t to 0

    — enemy: set cx to (self.x+destination.x)/2

    — enemy: set cy to (self.y+destination.y)/2

    — enemy: set a to angle(destination.x, destination.y, self.x, self.y)

    — enemy: set r to distance(self.x,self.y,destination.x,destination.y)/2

    Enemy: t<1

    — enemy: set t to min(1, self.t+dt)

    — enemy: set x to*cos(self.a+180*self.t)

    — enemy: set y to*sin(self.a+180*self.t)

    That will make the enemy move in a half circle arc. More subtle arcs could be possible too with further tweaks of the equations.

    Also note both methods will complete the motion in one second. To make it complete in say 0.5 seconds change the *dt to *2*dt in the equations.

  • I just watched the trailer on Steam and I have to say, this looks freaking awesome! I also think you did a very good job on the trailer, it may me want to play your game. What is your estimated play time from start to finish?

    Are all of the bosses unique? As in, do they move differently, have different weaknesses and strengths etc?

  • Since I have began my new journey into game development I have often wondered how others are keeping track of their levels. I am planning arcade style games where the player progresses through levels and cannot go to a previous level. Imagine the game Balloons. If the player survives the round and pops all of the balloons they move to "round 2", difficulty is increased etc. The player simply sees the next round, but how is this configured/coded in the back ground?

    For my games, I was thinking of simply keeping a global variable and if the player completes the round then the game will add one to the variable. This Global variable would drive the game to load the next level and certain objects being loaded for certain levels or difficulty being increased along with other level dependent things.

    This is my narrow minded idea for level control. How do you all like to handle level control?

  • I love the artwork! It's easy to look at but at the same time it is eye catching. Nice work!

  • Would you be able to share some of your bullet code?

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  • The artwork is freaking awesome! What are you drawing in? And just for our information, what size is your artwork for the game? Is it full scale 720/1080 etc?

  • Ah yes ok I see that now. I also like how that layout is basically a main place for the objects. Alright thanks everyone!

  • Sorry I guess I'm still missing it. When I go and click on the player base in the folder system, Object types > Player > player_base , the 8direction behaviors have "(no instances)" in the columns for acceleration and max speed etc.

    However, after searching I see that max speed is set to 90 on event 54 of eGame Room event sheet. I believe it is set that if the character isn't dashing then set to max speed of 90?

    I guess my confusion is because I would have thought there would be a default value for max speed some where. The main reason I am looking into this is because I like how the character doesn't appear to accelerate and decelerate. It just moves at the set speed and I was trying to figure out how to replicate that.

    Thank you for your replies!