TheNewGuy's Forum Posts

  • Magistross im sending it to your inbox, thank you for looking at this for me.

  • Magistross this still is not working for me,I mimic your style and still no positve outcome has come out of this.

    Is this the only way for me to deal with this issue? im not sure why your logic is not working ive done everything your way.

    Its destroys the tile but nothing spawns in its place.

  • Magistross im trying to destroy a tile and spawn an item in its place. Think of it as loot.

    Once its destoyed i am trying to make the destryed tile drop an item in its place.

    Thank you for the example,you didnt have to go through all of this.Im new but i have learned enough that seeing you write code in a post is something i can understand now.

    i will check this out right now.

  • Magistross im alittle confused about what your are trying to say.

    Could you maybe give me some psedo code in the post?

    I bundled up the events like you said and nothing is happening im confused?

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  • Magistross Ive done that and somehow nothing is spawning for me at all,I know how to spawn objects in that fashion but for some reason its not working for me with tilemaps.

  • Whatsup peeps,

    Im having issues tryin to spawn an object on a destroyed tile,I know my logic is there but im not getting anything to spawn when my tile is actually destroyed.

    Ive done this a million times using sprites but it seems that the tilemap is missing a function that allows me to spawn an object from it.

    Is there a special way i need to code this to make it happen? If so could someone give me a few details because ive tried everything that i know how to do. Thanks

  • Crop the bottom of the image with the line tool,I have this issue alot,just take a small eraser or the line tool and manual crop the line away.its coming from the bottom of the tiled background.

  • Figured it out!!!

    This post will help out anyone in need of this information.

    On start of layout - tiledbackground -set bullet angle to 270 degrees

    Compare Tiled background Y less or equal self.height / 2 --- tiledbackground set Y self.Y + self.height / 2

    Thanks anyway guys! Happy Easter and Happy Coding!

  • Hi everyone,

    Im trying to find out why my tiled backround keeps snapping back instead of scrolling endlessly.

    My layout size and screen size are 320x480 similar to the jump example provided by scirra.

    I've tried to manipulate the code inside the endless jump but what im getting isnt a seamless transition.

    I have bullet speed ok

    Condition:::My code is similar to this, tiledbackground Y less or equal to -self.height / 2

    Action:::: set tiledbackground Y to self.Y + self.height / 2

    Im not to familiar with this since I always thought the "WRAP" behavior took care of this.

    I was wondering if I could get a hand.Thanks guys.

  • Thats pretty much what im after aswell.I hope to get help soon.I have to go back home soon.

  • Can someone give me a hand please.Im sorry for double posting,I just dont have unlimited time to actually get help and be online.

  • Whatsup peeps, I was wondering if I could get a hand on my enemy movement creations.ive been up for days trying to figure out how to make flawless enemy movements that track your players X and Y cords.

    I understand how to make my enemies move about,but I can never get them to work correctly.

    Im basically trying to make my enemies suround my character from front to back on the y axis.I dont want my enemies to always approach my character from the same side.Is it possible to make like 3 to 4 enemies perform like this?If so could someone with the skill necessary to achieve this goal give me a would be very appreciated.Thanks guys

  • Im having an issue where I can not use jump through behavior with my 8 direction behavior. Is this a bug? Its not solid for me my character goes through it every time

  • Hi everyone,

    I need help creating swipe based movement for my mobile game,I have hit a brick wall when it comes to makingthis hhappen and I was wondering if i could get a hand.

    This link to the style im trying to recreate is here

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    I just want to be able to have similar movement to junk jack the mobile game.