Im sorry bros for not being detailed. I just want to add circuits with some wifi functions like this
If a switch is turned on or a pressure plate,switch extra,it will deliver power to a neighboring object. If its a door it will open,if its a powered light, it will turn on ,lighting the area.If its a TRANSMITTER I want it to output a signal in a 'ON' signal.If a Receiver is in range of the transmitter and set to the same frequency, it will receive the signal and deliver power to neighboring object. When the original switch is off, the door will close, the light will turn off,the transmitter will output an 'OFF' signal and the receiver will stop delivering power.I want to have this type of stuff for future development off this game.vqg@Pixel perfick
Magistross thanks for the reply and all of this I am trying to do in a platformer.