Ah your device is Windows Phone 7 and mine is Windows Phone 8. As far as I know HTML5 support is pretty bad on WP7 - unfortunately I don't have a device so I can't test.
lerp(scrollx, targetx, 0.1)
I'm not having this problem on my Nokia 820?
+1 for dynamic memory management.
Not as far as I know - any reason why collision polygons are insufficient?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Haha this is awesome :)
Yeah, much much better than we anticipated!
Joannesalfa I think so but you have to manually edit c2runtime.js to remove the restriction c2 has in place. I didn't do any extended testing but that seemed to work for me.
Quarter of a million now ;)
Ashley mentioned to me via email that CocoonJS Facebook functionality may be integrated in one of the next few releases.
XMLHttpRequest is working in the latest CocoonJS too, so a custom plugin wouldn't be too much work if it's urgent.
Thanks guys. New levels are in progress - here's a peek:
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BEgcTthCUAAljPl.jpg:large" border="0" />
I know it works on iOS using CocoonJS. Here's a link to a CocoonJS build that you'll be able to test on Android using the CocoonJS app.
I've no idea whether user media works in-browser on Android though.
I mention the solution to this here:
Groups are the way to go and the game looks awesome!
If you plan to release for mobile, test on hardware from the offset. A game that runs fine on desktop will not necessarily run well on mobile.