thegodo's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, Liberador. I was trying to avoid physics, but it's a good point to take :)

    BTW, that yellow submarine is great, according to the example XD

    R0J0, your answers are always precisse, complex and high level quality at the sametime. So much to learn reading them. I'll try to implement your math in my project.

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Thanks, R0J0! (as usually :)

    I need to understand:

    Compare dt>0 (it would be diff>0?)

    in the first action set diff to sprite.angle-angle(0,0,gamepad.axis(0,2),gamepad.axis(0,3))

    and then, the same variable to angle(0,0,cos(diff),sin(diff))???

    The third event "add -0.1*da (da would be dt?)

  • Hi, guys!

    I have been trying to achieve a rotation with momentum (inertia).

    It's about a submarine (top down perspective). Rotating must be smooth (I achieve this) but it's not slowing down until stops when key/stick is not being pressed anymore.

    Using anglediff or anglelerp on this code didn't do the trick:




    Could you help with this? (It could be keyboard instead of gamepad, of course).

  • So easy to fix, too hard to find among so many wrong thoughts.

    Thank you, BigBuckBunny!

  • The same sprite, each one is black, with 35% opacity. When they are overlapping, is there anyway to see shadows acting as one (same color)? They are in the same layer, tried blend modes, but any of them did the trick.

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  • Thanks jjc001

    I was thinking on dop2000 model (only a few events).

  • Hi, guys.

    What about this? Also possible?

  • Thanks, Ashley

  • I always had a memory problem using big sprites (i.e. an entire giant house that cannot be cutted into pieces in a tilemap). And of course, resizing the sprites always resulted in low quality graphics.

    Instead of that, I think SVG files could be the solution.

    Question is: putting a svg in the project, can I tranform it to any size forgetting all about cpu/gpu impact? Or is it essentially the same, being rasterized into a normal sprite?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks, dop2000

    I'll keep trying.

  • Hi, dop2000. Thanks for helping me.

    Main problem is you cannot get darkness on those layers you want to apply light beams (as you said) and cut off that part of dark, without affecting layers behind.

    With Paster you could paste a black tiledbackground on every layer you want to darken.

    Maybe I'm not explaining myself well.

  • This effect was possible in C2 using R0j0's plugin "Paster".

    In C3, do you think its possible to achieve?

    Darkness is covering all layers, but only selected would have lights, without affecting above and under it.

  • blackhornet Is it normal that in a new project you cannot add paster object? It doesn't appear in the list when you try adding a new one.

    I can only have this option if I have previously loaded a C2 capx project that includes paster on it.

    OF course, I installed paster c3 addon.

    Did I do anything wrong?

  • blackhornet

    Thanks, friend. Project is working again. Although, this was strange, because I don't remember to load that plugin from you, Blackhornet, only version 0.5 from R0j0. Obviously, it must have been loaded to warn about that message.

    Anyway, thanks again and merry xmas!!!