The_Funny_Guy's Forum Posts

  • advices. pressing "New game" is preety much pointless at this point. Help does nothing as i havent added anything yet for player to view. this is where the tutorials will be, grindopedia with all weapons, ships, monsters etc and where you will be able to spent GrindPoints at quniue content. GP travels with your from game to game.

    Lasers are not how i wanted them to be, but i couldnt figure out how to implement them without eating all the VRAM.

    Hatch opening SFX is sometimes doubbled but i also couldnt find the reason why. Also now i noticed that the sound and music volume are kind badly set. Part of the blam takes Audiere plugin which has kind a buggy volume control - sorry R0ju.

    Whats missing? Diffrent animation of impacts. Diffrent for laser and for blue ion. also i am missing the "death" animation for Spacebugs.

    But putting all this aside...

    Thank you very much for the kind words :)

    i am a total amature and this is preety much my first game.

    I am very greatful!

  • okey this is getting ridiculous guys. i have just so many pants >.<

    i would seriously buy this image as a poster and stick it at my wall.

  • nah its okey. you cn toggle he fullscreen if you want but it has window as default. but a big window so watch out ^^

    but you can change that in options.

  • what crash's? <img src="smileys/smiley13.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    and its not about how many events you use but whats inside them.

    I am quite sure you can calculate anything with one event, from 2 apples to complex physical calculations. The problem is the formula. and you need to figure out the formula on your own.

    And with effects - its just couple of mouse clicks.

  • I am not that concered with the ram usage really. what is even 10RAM usage more? i am not making game for a 10 years old PC :P

    i mean, having present PC's in mind you really can afford a little wasted RAM here and there.

    As long as they wont add up into oversized pill that impacts the performence.

  • just found this


    this guy is made of win

  • Animmaniac i see you are very productive on creating new effects. can i request one from you?

    Can you create a "Shake" effect? preety much like "Shake" beh. I belive that if effects such as Warp are possible it would be also possible to that but without global distortion?

    Think eearthquake effect for a game. Or like Critical Hit effect in Baldurs Gate saga.

    That would be such a nice feature!

    I know it can be done with events but putting it all in a effect would make it so much easier and in less amount of time!

  • +/- 14k sprites and 35FPS

    This is actualy quite chearing. 14k x 32/32 sprites and still running well on present PC.

    Thats draws a very nice far away distance for my game!

  • yay! :D

    now i am waiting for subscription to work again too! (or work at all in this case :D )

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  • Wanted to post it yesterday but the website constantly was rejecting my connection :( Anyway... Here it is!

    A whole 2 weeks of hard work, countless hours spent in Photoshop, Sculptis, Audacity and other wonderfull gamedev tools. About 250+ events, in event sheet. But it looks and works in 98% the way i wanted it to be.

    Obviously, perhaps 60% of the whole time spent was actual creation. The remaining 40% was pure debugining. But ive learned more then i could dream of.

    After one week ive stoped counting the number of times Construct crashed on me erasing hours of my work <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Theres not much you can call a gameplay as its just the intro + menu. But fully working and polished with everything i wanted. And belive me - its not just a plain and boring menu :) At least, i tried for it to not be like that.

    Music made by Oscar Remius

    The rest made by me.

    Exclusive for Construct Forums.

    Unpack, and run exe.

    For your amusement and my pride.



    You want to skip clicking "new game" as it leads to nowhere. Focus on the rest. And feel free to click "exit" ;)

  • dot art? the heck is that?

  • like round numbers :) and because its long and detailed.

  • Ive been searching for it but i cant find it. On old forums you could have set that if your have posted in any topic it became automaticly subscribed with email notification + regular subsribe button at the bottom of each thread.

    This has been incredibly comfortable and helpfull to keep track of whats going on the forums and the threads you actualy participated.

    Will this be back? or maybe it is but i cant find it? <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • As the title says.

    One of the last things i still have to do for my game alpha demo and at the same time one of the most importand things i have to learn to control are all kinds of beams.

    The beam i am currently using for my needs is 768/128. You see its quite long but laos quite thin. From what i remember this 768/128 uses the RAM amount of if it would be 768/768 which is a waste. So i thought to split this sprite into 6 x 128/128 ones to save RAM.

    But em i right? Will this help in anything? Correct me please.

  • dear God


    i think i need to change my diaper