The_Funny_Guy's Forum Posts

  • (Yup, me again)

    So, sprite X is rotating. It can rotate clock and counter-clockwise. I am trying to figure out how can the engine detect that rotation and perhaps also detect in which side its rotating.

    On example:

    Lets say a spaceship is flying. now he rotates. When he rotates i want him to "lean" in left or right side. This is achieved by changing the animation for a moment.

    The problem is - i am trying very hard and i cant find a method to trace the rotation or its direction. Same for tracing if the angle is increasing or decreasing or even if its changing in general.

    I though that i could perhaps use PV and set it to angle. Then with events monitor if the PV is going up or down and attach this as a condition for the animation change but theres also no "increasing"/"Deacresing" condition for PV neither.

    I am playing in my mind with an idea to create a "phantom" sprite attached on top of the original, with rotation behaviour but with faster rotation speed.

    So lets say the Main Sprite angle is 180 and Phantom Sprite angle is 180. Now the Phantom sprite is turning right so his angle increases. In first secund the angle of Phantom is now, lets say, 250. When Main angle is still around 180. Both are turning but the angle of Phantom is higher then the angle of Main.

    This is when i can make it a triger. So:

    If system value compare Main.Angle lower then Phantom.Angle then -> change animation to "lean right"

    If system value compare Main.Angle greater then Phantom.Angle then -> change animation to "lean left"

    But i havent tested this yet. Its just an idea. Maybe not that complex but also far from elegent and simple (if it works that is).

    Also this preety much doubles each and every moveable-rotatating sprites in the game. needlessly. So if theres a huge battle going on and theres 50 enemies. Each made out of 3 linkes to each other animated sprites + 50 extra Phantom sprites... well, you got the idea. messy.

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  • [quote:2iu7ue0p]I watch to much Angry Videogame Nerd

    *gives high five*

  • told you, you would make it better then me thx Draven!

  • [quote:1sv71nl7]Families can sometimes have bugs though, so keep backups incase you stumble onto something that breaks your cap!

    now you scared me


  • oh really? hmm. thought Beh's are executed faster then events. what a shame

    Some nice tut on this method with fammilies would be greatly aprreciated.

    Oh and it bother me - its quite plain to link sprites via X/Y event if they are pre-made.

    But what about the one that are spawned, created?

    Think: monster spawner. each monster is made out of 3 individualy animated sprites that creates the whole. But they are being spawned from sprite X - the spawner.

    Making the spawner create new monsters sounds very easy. But to make him spawn them in couples of 3, when each should be attached in a precise manner to each other... thats beyond my knowledge. and then, if i would use X/Y event tracing - how i am supposed to make it trace each new psanwed mosnters and their elements?

    i mean okey:

    if always -> set Mob Tail X, Y on image point "tail start" of Mob Main body

    but then if i spawn lets say 10 of them each will get glued to one mobs, em i right?


    ive managed to get a grip of the fammilies linking method but for some reason i simply cant set the angle of the sub-sprite which is odd.

    When i try to

    if always -> set angle Family_sub.angle to Family_main.angle

    it just doesnt work. I mean, the second family is not even there to pick or click. and if i type the expresion by hand it says that there no such expresion.


    oh okey now it works. instead of using family angle i just used sprites angle

    Works like a charm. Thank you Jay

  • Hey guys me again

    This time i need an adive/tutorial/hints about complex sprite animating.

    Animated sprites are made by frames. Each frame consist of a whole picture with changing elements. But sometimes not the whole sprite changes from frame to frame.

    Imagine a police car sprite from topdown view. The only thing that actualy changes is the light on top.

    So what i need to figure out is a to have a sprite + microsprites. So they are being aminated independently from each other. So for example if i want i can turn animation of the lights, or flame from wheelr or laserz - or whatever.

    Now howcan i manage this?

    The only way i know as for now is to create a seperate sprite and via events set its X/Y to image point and run on "always". But now i think about 100 of such sprites and so much X/Y being conctantly adjucted would propably tire the CPU and would trash the event sheet.

    Any idea of more elegent solution? to link that sprite animation?

  • oh and facebook. get an account

  • Nice Example! .

    My bad english + total lack of organisation succesfully stops me. Beside i need to change my son diaper now lol

    But Draven - please, do it for me. Maybe enrich the tut with some more description regarding the move pointer range and stuff.

    I hate doing bad job. I much more prefer someone else doing it but GOOD.

  • Awww almost there!

    But for some reason to moving can stun if in betwen i decide to change direction again.


    hey i actualy found a way out. inspired by you Draven

    for the record

  • youtube



    depends of the specification of your game/creation

  • [quote:dyz55gqs]where the community dosnt ****

    its hard for a creation that barely exist to ******* or do any other type of actions heh

  • I want my player sprite to move just like with "8 direction behavour".

    The problem is - when the sprite is facing lets say "right" and i press "left" it instantly jumps from "right" to "left" direction. What i want is:

    For that sprite to rotate before moving. So it will not instantly jumpr from "right" to "left" angle but smothly turn around.

    So the sprite would be controled like with "8dir" behaviour but would display like with "car" behaviour (acceleration, rotation etc).

    Any ideas how to achieve that?

    My first idea would be to make an outside pointer which will be followed by the player character with "car" beh but this might be problematic in execution.

  • well clicking the link gives me:

    [quote:3lwbac80]We're sorry, but there seems to be a problem viewing the download profile requested. If you'd like the boring old technical reason for the error this is it:

    "The download requested with an id of (33209) could not be found. This may have occured because this download is not linked to the page requested (eg. downloads will only show up in Halflife's profile if they are linked to that game). The file if not deleted should be viewable via this alternate direct URL."

    We suggest you return to the downloads list and try the links from there. If the problem persists, contact us with the details.


    [quote:3lwbac80]I lack good animation skills

    Well people are there to ask. If you would just say what sort of animation you are looking for. like Spaceship animation, bullets/projectiles, structures etc. I can produce some of them but some others are totaly uncabale of making.

  • Found the solution. Was in front of my eyes. As always heh

    Topic can be closed/deleted

  • then i am clueless. I too have Full HD monitor and my GFX card is powerfull enough.