Can confirm what others are saying. C2 started crashing frequently and randomly since I moved from v266 to v267 (64 bit, windows 10, 16GB, Intel Core i5 9600K, Geforce GTX 1060, Chrome 73.0.3683.103). Have tried every version since v267 and they all have the same issue including v275.
Seems to crash more frequently the larger the project. Crashes happen everywhere. On closing image editor, on copying/pasting, alt/tabbing, on double clicking events. Nothing to pin the issue down or recreate so cannot provide steps. The only new information I can provide is that the debug log captures the following errors:
[0303/] CreateFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)
[0311/] CreateDirectory C:\Users\Ashley\AppData\Local\User Data\Crashpad:
[0303/] CreateProcess: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[0201/] "C:\Program Files\NWjsForC2\win32\nw.exe" --ignore-gpu-blacklist "C:\Users\Ashley\AppData\Local\Temp\c2-302ZR0\html5\"
[0201/] Couldn't load libexif. 126
Ashley, is this helpful?