I have created a project example that repeatedly demonstrates this crash.
Here's what it looks like. If you've lost work to this then you might want to look away... ;)
Click to play if it doesn't do so automatically:
Here's the project caproj:
Crash test .caproj project
Steps to reproduce:
1) Open the project. Be patient, it can take a minute...
2) Edit any sprite using the "Animations: Edit" in the properties bar (note, the open layout has no sprites in it, so memory use for this project is at a minimum).
3) Close the sprite editor. If you're prepared to wait a minute then it might recover, but if you click on anything / try to close it again / click anywhere else then it'll drag up the windows crash popup.
Things to note. C2 is using approx 152 Mb of memory with this layout open in the editor. After the crash and selection of "wait for the program to respond" then the reported memory use goes down to 20 Mb. Although C2 appears to have recovered, clearly it is not working properly...
What's with the cycling through 150 sprites or so after initially closing the sprite editor...?
Ashley, I hope that this is what you need and it'll repeatably crash on your super-computer.