TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • On my recently started website I blog about my previous and current projects, mostly as a tool to keep myself going and motivated.

    Ashley Are there any rules or guidelines on what I am allowed to write, usage of screenshots etc?

  • AllanR Thankyou very much! I think I actually got it working now. I just told the boxes that when they are by a wall (works with boxes and walls since they are all solid) I disable platform movement then set y to int(y) + 1. So far it seems to work fine.

    Thanks to all for your helpful contributions :)

  • I tried your example, works like it should. Only its bugs when players starts to push box over other, you should disable platform behavior on box that fell into hole, so player can't push 2 box same time and get stuck, because box in hole can't move.

    Tried what you said but sadly it didn't change anything. Player can still get stuck on the box in the hole by him self or while pushing the other block over it.

    Thanks for the effort though :)

  • Just use force! if box is above hole and should fall into hole, but doesn't, then just put it there. If you want box fall/go into hole by itself, it could disagree and get stuck behaind some pixel.

    If you can't kick box over the holes, then you could just check if box x is Equal or bigger then hole x and then box it into hole.

    Well just for the sake of it I tried make the same thing in Game Maker Studio using gml code and it already works the way it should. I'm gonna try and make the same logic with construct 3's event system.

  • R0J0hound That is way too much math science for me, I just want to push a block into a hole in the ground and then push another block across the hole *sigh*

    I'll link the c3p file if anyone would care to have a look.!AjgxVO4vN9p6g8sER4ZmLsPoJLXyWQ

  • You could try something like int((sprite.x*youroffset)/youroffset)

    Can you please explain that? :/

  • In my platformer game the player is supposed to push blocks into gaps in order to traverse them but I can't get it to work properly because any object moved does not have precise x and y coordinates. Pixelrounding does not help.

    Any ideas?


  • You can modify the type of the "splash" (loading) screen in the project's properties if you own a proper plan for C3.

    Moreover with C3 runtime you can have loading screens in between layouts of your game if you want.

    I do have a subscription and the choices for Loader style are: nothing, precentage text, progress bar only, progress bar & logo, Construct 3 splash.

    Is there any inofrmation/guide on how to have loadingscreens between layouts?

  • Thank you for a very good explanation :)

  • According to this page: making loader layouts is pointless when making mobile games. It suggests to create a custom splashscreen (like the Construct 3 splash) instead. How do I do that? Can I change the built in Construct 3 splash? I can't find it.

    Any help would be nice.


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  • An easy solution that comes to my mind is to use an object to fade in the level and use the time to time scale the particles and fill the screen with snowflakes:


    Thanks! Quick and easy solution and it works great! :)

  • In my game I have a winter level that has snowing in it using particles. How can I make it so when the layout starts it is already snowing instead of it starting to snow. I know they have this functionality in unity so I thought there might be a way for us C3 users to do the same thing?


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  • Have a look at these two great videos on youtube: "The art of screenshake" "Juice it or lose it"

    A lot of tips and inspiration in them.

  • Not that I need one right now, just curious in case I embark on a larger project and run into performance issues?