TechBoxNorth's Forum Posts

  • I can't seem to find any reference material about the tween behaviour. Does anyone know if there are any tutorials on how to use it? liteTween mas much easier to use.

  • I get this when I try to start C3 with the desktop icon:

    If I start C3 in the browser once then the icon works again a couple of days until it breaks again.

    Anyone know whats is wrong?

  • Maybe this is what you are looking for? :)

    example project

  • So you know those spinning platform wheel things in Mario games? I'm trying to recreate them for a platforming game I'm working on and just can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Provide a link to something that shows what you are talking about :)

  • 1. Construct handles scaling just fine, just make your assets at a size that doesn't loses too much quality when scaled up or down.

    2. Ads on iOS arent working at 100% right now because of the GDPR changes but I'm sure scirra is working hard to fix it.

    3. When making an iOS game Construct3 can export it as a xcode project and then you open it in Xcode on your mac to produce the ipa.

    4. Construct uses web technology (HTML5/javascript) wich is constantly evolving at quite a fast pace and this obviously brings some cons but pros as well.

    Personally I'm excited to see what kind of performance and other improvements Constructs new runtime brings when it is ready for "live" use.

    I do own a full set of GameMaker Studio 2 and Clickteam Fusion 2.5 but Construct3 is so much faster and easier (and fun) to use so the other 2 aren't even installed on my computer right now.

    Don't know if this will help you make a decision, good luck any way with what evver you choose :)

  • Okey, but shouldnt firefox be supported?

    I'm pretty sure it should, I think I tried it once but that was on a windows machine.

  • I always use google chrome

  • - just tried this and yes it works - good stuff - thanks for this.

    One question though - when I reimport the zip then export as a signed .apk - rather than being named appname.signed.apk it appears as appname.multiple.apk

    Any idea why this is or if it will make any difference down the road?

    Havent made a signed apk yet so I have no idea :)

  • Noticed that even with the Fullscreen selected for mobile games, the game launches with a black thick border all around the window. I have to slide up the Game Tools option on the bottom of the screen to enable full screen on the game. Anyone know how to make it fully full screen by default for all users?

    In my project I use layouts with the size 1440 x 1920 Then I set Viewport size to 1080 x 1920, Viewport fit is set to Cover and Fullscreen mode is set to Scale outer. I have an invisible sprite in the exact middle of the layout with the "Scroll to" on it.

  • Bootfit So I just tried it on my Macbook and it works perfectly fine. I did however manage to replicate the problem you described and it seems you made a mistake when you make the new zip file: Make sure you select the "www" folder, the "config.json" file and the "config.xml" file and use those to make the new zip. Do NOT zip the parent folder that contains the three items, that will cause the export manager to not recognize it as a C3 or C2 project.

    Hope this helps! :)

  • I've just tried this - when I try to upload my new zip file via the Export Manager I get the following error:

    Unable to import file. Only cordova projects exported from C2 or C3 can be imported.

    Any ideas? Do you think it's because I'm working on a Mac rather than a PC?

    Hmm it is possible that a mac makes zip files a bit differently I guess, I'll test it later on my Macbook Pro and post here to let you know how it goes. Gimme a couple of hours and check back :)

  • Still repeating myself...

    > Have you tried filing an issue with Google like I previously suggested?


    I don't know about everybody else here but speaking for my self I can honestly say that I'm not knowledgeable enough to file an issue about these sorts of things to google. My workaround guide exists only because of people on this forum who are way smarter than me provided a way to temporarily work around the problem, I just took that info and made a simple guide with lots of pictures :)

    Is it not also in Scirra's interest to help their customers in situations like this even if the fault isn't with Construct? Not to fix the problem but to contact the people who can since Construct in part relies on their software (in this case webgl2) to work.

    Just a thought :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • While waiting for the issue to be fixed you can try my guide on how to work around the problem, I tried to make as easy as possible to follow: force WebGL1

  • This is getting weird.. seriously. :/

  • Strange that noone, Ashley or someone else from Scirra won't answer :/ ?

    On the other hand I still haven't seen any consent dialog when installing a new game on my iphone.

    Edit: And now 2 hours later I just got an consent request dialog on my iPhone8 :)

    Better get this fixed then, hopefully they are already on it.