TDKnite's Forum Posts

  • This is currently my MAIN project, but I'm working on other stuff too (just don't have any worthwhile screenshots of the other projects yet):

    <img src="">

    Oops, it's a bit cut off, so if you'd like to see the whole thing, just click here.

  • <img src="">

    <img src="">

    This isn't really new anymore, just forgot to post it here to show everyone; sorry about that.

    I can't believe this wound up being my first completed game/interactiveprogramofweirdnessandstupidity. Here's where you can download it: CLICKY THIS LINKY

    Anyway... Time for a readme copy/paste! YES! (Hope no one minds.)

    • Ugh 1.01

    Edit: I think I fixed the only known bug in this version... Hopefully. You should no

    longer have to press R when the guy first comes on screen for the game to work


    Hey, thanks for trying out my first stupid completed game ever! If you can call

    it a game. I was listening to my oldest sister talking about people and stuff one night,

    and then this idea came, so whatever.

    • What's happening?

    Anyway, in this game, you're trying to help some drunk dude get to the trashcan in

    time to vomit. If he doesn't make it, well... I'm sure you can guess what'll happen.

    (I didn't make it TOO gross, don't worry.)

    • Controls?

    Press Esc to exit the program.

    Press Enter at the title screen to play the game.

    Use the arrow keys to help the man get to the trashcan.

    If you lose, or just feel like starting over again, press R to restart.

    • What should I avoid?

    Press the arrows that appear at the bottom of the screen.

    If you press the wrong arrow, or the meter directly below the displayed arrow runs

    out, you will lose one health point.

    The meter lasts for one second; should be more than enough time if you just relax.

    For every ten correct arrow keys you press, the man will move one step forward.

    • Last thoughts and comments~

    Thanks goes to both my sisters for motivation! Thanks to anyone who tries this out,

    even if they wind up hating it, which wouldn't surprise me in the least! Thanks to the

    Doctor for SFXR and Musagi! Thanks to the creators of Construct (Keep up the great work


    Hope this little game doesn't offend anyone. It was purposely made to look kind of

    barfy and yuck, so try not to judge my graphic skills based on this silly little thing.

    I think that's everything...


    Everything in this game was put together by Knite (aka KniteBlargh, T. Gantt, and


  • See? That's just how stupid I am. I already looked for an option like that in that area several times... Thanks man!

  • Hey there. Just have a quick question about the mouse cursor. I'm making an arena shmup (while in the middle of two other projects at the same time LOL), and I was thinking of making a little cross-hair tile to always be located at Mouse.X and Mouse.Y, but I was wondering if there's a way to get rid of the standard mouse pointer while hovering over the game application like some have done in Game Maker. That way the cross-hair thingy could just substitute as the cursor while hovering over the game screen, and the standard pointer wouldn't detract from the overall style and atmosphere of the game. Like I've said before, I'm not a programmer, so if there's some way to do it in code, I'd really love some help with that.

    While I'm at it (this is a total newb question), I'm sure this has been asked before, but would it be possible to somehow in future convert Construct games into Mac friendly games? Hope that's not too stupid of a question...

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • When I went to delete an action dealing with the fade behaviour of an object, it acted as if I wanted to edit the action, and when I clicked the edit option, it deleted the action. Switched up.

    Also, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but the fade behaviour didn't seem to activate again when using the "start" option? I'm probably doing something wrong knowing me.

  • Awesome update.

  • Okay, thanks so much to both of you! I'll do my best, and it's great to hear these little updates that can be expected in the next version.

    Edit: Works well enough guys. Thanks again.

  • I'm sure this is a total noob question, but anyway... If we use the health text in the ghost shooter tutorial as an example, what would be the best way of making that text fade in and out upon receiving damage. I've tried various methods using the fade behaviour, but I can't seem to get the text to come back after the first time it shows.

    I'd also like the text, when it becomes visible, to be located over the main player sprite. I'm sure I could figure out how to do THAT easily enough, but it probably wouldn't be very efficient.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Kwarn: Good point. See, that's how totally NOT brainy I am; I didn't even think of the fact that it's open source. LOL

    Deadeye: Thanks for the welcome.

  • Well, I'd just like to say, though I'm really only just getting in to Construct, that I think the program is great so far for someone like me. I'm an artist, not a coder, and somehow this program almost seems familiar to me as if it's just another digital media art application. Though some may think that Construct can't do as much because of having precoded features or whatever, so far I'm finding that it can do exactly what I want it to do, and do it well. To me it's kind of like writing a book, or a story, in plain simple terms, in my own language.

    For someone that needs more brainy mathematical stuff in front of them in order to create something, maybe this isn't the tool for them, but for people that need something a little more visual and down to Earth, this is it. And it's going to get better every update, I'm sure.