szymek's Forum Posts

  • "Use a plate Rapsberry Pi and Firefox OS to build our HoC console allows us to produce copies at low cost , and to bring them to market at a very affordable price ( Less than 70 ? )"

    for this money you can get:

    • used Xbox 360 or PS3 or
    • new quad core tablet (like Onda, Colorfly) with 1GB Ram, strong GPU and 1280x800 7 inch IPS screen or
    • new mobile phone with 5 inch IPS screen, 960x640 and fast dual core CPU

    Ouya got his chance and it was fail. People will not believe such story again :)

    Anyway: description looks quite unprofessional

    "HoC dimensions will not be more than 12 cm long, 7 meters wide and 4 high" - not more than 7 metres wide? quite big :)

    So what's for HTML5 future? I guess if TIZEN will succed, then some people will play on full screen via Tizen mobiles/tablets

  • jonsspambin

    CocoonJS does not support "Letterbox" from C2

    but it has nice "StretchToFill"

    anyway: in case of Landscape sometimes I do:

    1280x720 for window view

    1280x752 for layout size

    with that app looks good both on tablet (with Android system bar)

    and phone (without Android system bar); but I have never tested it on 4:3 screens :) :) :)

  • Any hint for bold

    and font size?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Ashley

    help :)

  • maybe event

    Y = random(some Y position)

    when spawning PLATFORM on Y position

    also spawn COIN on Y position - 50 (so it will be above platform)

  • always use APK signer:

    easy to create keystore for APK,

    easy to sign APK

    easy to align APK

  • Ashley newt

    I would like to have scrollable text like Java's "ScrollText",

    however when I paste some lorem ipsum:

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed imperdiet quam, et interdum risus. Mauris adipiscing sem libero, vitae fermentum ipsum ornare eget. Sed ut massa non massa pharetra tristique varius eget nulla. Fusce rutrum iaculis rhoncus. Vestibulum aliquet eu nunc eget feugiat. Proin imperdiet felis tempus interdum tempus. Aliquam volutpat neque ac ante rhoncus egestas. Maecenas blandit velit ac viverra placerat. Ut volutpat porta pellentesque. Integer in quam enim. Vestibulum molestie leo nec nibh interdum rutrum. Mauris egestas lorem sed mi faucibus semper. Donec interdum urna ac diam pretium, nec sagittis enim fermentum. Sed eget euismod lorem. Pellentesque ut pulvinar justo, eget lobortis metus. Etiam venenatis, quam sed mattis posuere, dolor risus vestibulum ante, quis placerat tellus est quis nunc.

    Etiam felis nulla, semper nec arcu a, porttitor tempor diam. Praesent interdum, nisi vel condimentum condimentum, urna neque vestibulum tortor, vel dictum velit justo nec nulla. Suspendisse potenti. Donec dictum, ante nec consequat molestie, erat tellus vehicula enim, id tincidunt dui dui dignissim leo. Curabitur urna mauris, dictum sed ultrices in, lobortis eget lectus. Curabitur placerat nibh et feugiat faucibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam urna purus, porta sit amet faucibus vel, pretium vitae libero.

    Phasellus gravida, odio in malesuada commodo, mauris nibh pretium nisi, ut convallis lorem tortor eu lacus. Cras felis elit, adipiscing ut ipsum in, gravida tempus justo. Nullam bibendum pulvinar sapien id ultricies. Morbi ut vestibulum dui, suscipit ullamcorper ante. Vestibulum imperdiet nec metus ac congue. Proin feugiat ultrices sem quis euismod. Cras rutrum imperdiet bibendum. Aenean sed augue vel urna pulvinar vestibulum. Pellentesque sit amet auctor tellus. Pellentesque nec malesuada nibh. Quisque sit amet elementum dolor.

    Nullam porttitor hendrerit est ac fermentum. Ut neque erat, imperdiet id lectus ac, pretium ornare nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur luctus lacinia ultricies. Mauris volutpat mi eu mattis porttitor. Aliquam sed mauris vitae tellus adipiscing rhoncus. Aliquam semper tellus risus, euismod rutrum dolor hendrerit in.

    Quisque luctus consequat urna scelerisque dignissim. Quisque mauris lectus, semper vitae ornare nec, viverra quis augue. Integer congue facilisis felis et blandit. Nullam ipsum orci, bibendum ac viverra vitae, elementum a turpis. Proin eu vehicula urna. Nullam dictum fringilla feugiat. Vestibulum commodo arcu ut quam vehicula dignissim. Suspendisse mi purus, ultrices eu congue tempor, rutrum ut sapien. Nullam vitae mollis felis. Morbi sagittis, turpis a posuere blandit, felis eros ultricies nibh, ut consequat nisl massa vitae ipsum. Nam consectetur at ipsum sed accumsan. Morbi ultrices ornare mattis. Sed non eleifend nulla, at faucibus libero. Integer non erat a arcu consequat convallis id id ipsum. Vestibulum id eros sem. Maecenas at urna dui.

    into TextBox:

    • there are no spaces between paragraphs
    • no setup for font size (auto is always very small)

    what to do?

    can I prepare a few HTML pages (with <br> and <b>) and inject text from them somehow?

  • newt

    No problems with i.e. bolds, spaces etc?

    And if scrolling - add drag&drop + bound to layout? :))

  • I would like to make simple ebook

    but don't have idea (yet) how to put more text

    and make it scrollable with touch?

  • Tobye

    thanks!!! :)

  • Maybe this is minor issue, or there is other solution,

    but let's say that you have 100 layouts, and at the end you noticed

    that you have to move object X from X1, Y1 to X2, Y2 on all layouts

    now you have to do all by hand

    but it would be nice to have possibility to inject objects (for example with HUD) from one layout to other layouts

  • simwhi

    no ideas :) Landscape in config.xml + this viewport update + Browser > lock landscape = Landscape in my Web Simulator

    I can't check emulator propably because AMD Cpu and this Intel software wasn't installed

  • simwhi

    You can set a JSON property for your project. To select the JSON property:

    1. In the Properties window, select Tizen SDK > Web > JSON Properties.

    2. Check Enable JSON validation in project.

  • I want to know too. What are main advantages/disadvantages of CocoonJS for iOS and Ejecta for iOS?

  • Maybe this will help you, info from Ejecta author:

    This will stretch the canvas over the whole screen, regardless of

    its internal resolution: = window.innerWidth; = window.innerHeight;

    It's in the documentation: