szymek's Forum Posts

  • I can speak about eCPM. In my case in AdMob good times I can get average ~1,5$ eCPM (so profit per 1000 banners shown) and on bad times only 1$ eCPM. For example: December - January = good time. Now just started bad times. It's connected (I guess) with ad budgets.

    Of course I have also apps that makes 2-4$ eCPM.

    A few days ago I started testing Fullscreen ad but for now it ****** But will know better after 1-2 weeks.

    Google Play: generally 1-2 years ago it was easy to get 300-400 downloads/day even for very average app (and 4-5000 for good app). Now it's much harder.


    see here:

    1280x800 should be fine for everything

  • put some fancy nose image in the background

    and call game "Snot Nose HD" :)

  • Recently I got e-mail from some Amazon AppStore worker and he invited me to publish some apps there.

    So I tried.

    Here is my summary:

    + Android apps made with CocoonJS works without any problem (so you don't have to make 2 versions: Android and Amazon)

    + you can use AdMob too (confirmed by Amazon guy)

    + your app will be live within ~24 hours after upload

    + there is much less competition than in Google Play

    + nowadays it's free

    • it's less popular so you can get 10-20 downloads / daily for free app

    Is it worth?

    I think yes... Let's say that your app is quite good (so only 50% users will uninstall it) and you have 10 downloads daily. After 1 month it will be 300 downloads and 150 installations on devices. After 2 months 600 downloads and 300 installations on devices... And so on. At this point it can generate a few additional dollars.

    So I think that it is worth to submit our apps also to Amazon AppStore, because it's very easy and takes only 5-10 minutes (including binary upload time).

  • CrudeMik

    Thanks for reply, especially playback rate idea

    anyway: even if one box fall on another box - there is no just "1" collision, because usually it fall and box do "totter" (be shaky) = generates 2-3 collisions.

  • For example:

    You have 5 falling boxes,

    and you want to add some wood sound on collision

    between them,

    but 5 x wood sound x each collision = terrible cacophony :)

  • You can't even put link to your other apps (like "More apps" button) if your app is for <13 years old kids and don't have Parental Gate, lol :)

  • hollowthreat

    app for kids <13 should have 'parental gate' for external links, including (I guess) ads too. So I guess - you can put ads for kids app, but you have to give possibility to "block" them via parental gate, lol. (as far as I understand this stupid policy)

  • anyway something with images :)

    maybe check collision maps?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • "Tiled non-power-of-two textures are not supported - have to stretch the image to fit a POT"

  • further investigation:

    My app uses landscape view

    My ad unit is Phone / Fullscreen (320 x 480) and selected "Landscape" on MoPub level

    Now I see that if fullscreen ad is:

    • show in portrait, then click on "x" = landscape level view -> portrait ad view -> landscape level view = layout not centered
    • show in landscape, then click on "x" = landscape view -> landscape ad view -> landscape level view = layout OK

    and even if I selected "Landscape" on MoPub level - it still can show full screen portrait ads

  • I just tried Fullscreen ads from AdMob + MoPub

    (and CocoonJS: scale outer + stretch to fill)

    but I have little problem

    in all my levels I have

    On start layout > scroll to

    and going to center of layout (so app fit 16:9 and 4:3)

    when I initiate Fullscreen ads - it works

    however... when user click "x" button (he don't want to click ad)

    then he goes back to layout, but this time layout is not centered as it was after scroll to

    In general I saw that it happens also on "external" links,

    for example: user clicks "Rate app" buton,

    goes to Google Play,

    and when he is back: again layout is not centered as it was after scroll to

  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

  • Android 2.3

  • sometimes bigger music files can cause problem on CocoonJS (I had situation with 1 music file like 1st level music OK, 2nd level no music, 3rd level music OK... / when playing level after level /) also if you use CocoonJS - you will see "Powered by Ludei" logo + loading every assets at startup = huge memory spike (so game that could run on 512MB - needs 1 GB)

    other option is Intel Crosswalk, but it's not 100% reliable yet

  • I used some sprites with bullet behavior for background and have similar issue. When turned on collisions (8-10.000) then it jitters, if turned off collisions (10-20) then it's still not 100% smoooth too. Checked on Chrome.