szymek's Forum Posts

  • MopubEdward

    on 1st layout (with START BUTTON) I preload fullscreen banner ad

    on 2nd layout (LEVEL SELECT) I show fullscreen banner ad

    in 90% cases I don't see any ad

    on the start of every level I refresh fullscreen ad

    and after 5 seconds I preload fullscreen ad

    then on the end of level OR when player dies - I trigger fullscreen ad

    in 90% cases I don't see any ad

    I checked some C2 user game (Pixel Zombies) made with Crosswalk,

    and in I see AdMob fullscreen ad in 80-90% cases (on the same IP),

    but as we know - you can have native AdMob ads on Crosswalk

  • ggibson1

    If IntelRobert can provide support on Scirra forum (and I guess that Intel is quite big company), then authors of Chromium could do that too. Scirra earns on C2 so could do something more than just saying "wait for CocoonJS", "wait for Crosswalk", "wait for Android 5.0", "wait for 2015" and so on.


    so jittering is user related? lol

  • maybe Ashley should do something more than submitting bugs (as a almost anonymous person) or asking C2 users to submit bugs? Maybe Scirra should co-operate with Google?

  • ArcadEd

    anyway my friend (native Java apps) have 99% fillrate for interstitials...

    so... I will see how MoPub Marketplace works

    and wait for smooth Crosswalk

  • ArcadEd

    sorry, I was in hurry. Anyway I guess that preloading ads do the job?


    I have tested AdMob + Marketplace ads in case of "too fast click"

    and again... low fill rate... For lets say 30-40 ad triggers I got 1 AdMob ad

    and 2 MoPub ads.

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  • if Chromium affects both mobile (Crosswalk) and desktop (Node-Webkit) exporter, then maybe Ashley IntelRobert and Google should do something with that? Co-operate? Work together?

  • ArcadEd

    good for webdevelopers

    in case of CocoonJS + MoPub everyone will agree that AdMob fillrates are at least 2x smaller (or 4-5x smaller in case of interstitials)

    and you can't do anything about it (AdMob)

    unless you have small project for Crosswalk

  • Helladen

    AFAIK CocoonJS is wrapper too, just 100% oriented on gaming and speed. It's like browser but hand-crafted for games.

    In case of Chromium etc. they just don't care about games.

    So you can have WebRTC, fonts, other magic stuff - but you can't get 100% smooth running game.

    In my case CocoonJS would be perfect but low fillrates on AdMob (via MoPub) really hurts.

  • 2 years ago Ashley wrote:

    "Our profiling has shown it's not unusual for even a fairly complex game to spend 10% of the time on the logic, and 90% of the time on rendering - even when hardware accelerated! (...) This is partly why using a scripting language like Javascript is still fine for games. You'll see some benchmarks showing that in places C++ is 5-10x faster than Javascript. So porting our entire engine to C++ would get you up to a 10x logic speedup. But as we've seen that will often have no effect at all on the framerate. That's part of the reason we're happy to stick to a pure Javascript engine without diverting our limited resources to native ports: it's fast enough." ... -your-time

    Now we will have 2015 and there are still problems with smooth games both on mobile and desktop.

    If it is not about logic, but rendering then why Unity can be super smooth, but bigger C2 games - not really?

  • It seems that you can get good framerate only on deprecated CocoonJS (but it does not support text object and native ads)

  • ArcadEd

    I'm preloading ad at the beggining of each layout, but I will add "refresh" every 60 seconds too (but do I have to preload ad after refresh?)

    And I have applied for MoPub Marketplace, to get some backfill.

    I hope it will helps.

    btw. what minimum eCPM had you set up for banners and interstitials in MoPub Marketplace?


    I checked Chromium via CocoonJS and it gave me white screen

    but anyway it's slower than CocoonJS

    so I aprreciate native ads,

    but I think that XDK is good only for simple games (because I don't want to see jittering)

  • shinkan

    I would like to see at least 1 moderate size platformer game working smooth (without jittering) on Crosswalk

    and at least 1 app with smooth sine behavior

  • Helladen

    maybe we should ask IntelRobert if there are any chances to have Crosswalk as fast as CocoonJS

  • It seems that Chrome and Node-Webkit should be deprecated

  • ArcadEd

    1) What is your typical eCPM for Marketplace?

    2) What are payment terms? (how long, methods etc.)

    anyway even for AdMob banners MoPub ****** because fillrate

    native = 80-90%

    MoPub = 50-60%

    all because of no AdSense backfill