superxsonic's Forum Posts

  • Yo...

    I've been using construct for some time now...

    and even playing with it to learn, I still got some questions...

    Well, I have to say that I was an adept of mmf, so, I'm much more familiar with it...

    1- Where's those damn counters? You know, in mmf, we have counters to count... XD but, in construct, the only thing I can do to count, is using variables from an object or the global variables...

    but, how can I show then on the screen?

    2- Are the events Trigger Once from construct, and "only one action when the event loops" from click makers equivalent? I whant exactly what the event says... only one action when the event loops...

    3- Can someone make a tutorial for people that are coming from click prograns? Something simple, teaching how to work with animations correctly with a plataform game...?

  • Pretty impressive!

  • well, then it's just talent...

    So, I'll stay with my raw chars, or start trying, with gimp...


  • Well with the help you gave to wall jump, now, it goes really easy...

    Hey, I really liked the look you gave to angel... since I love kof...

    I remembered that I tried some years ago, to do this kinda of edditing, but, i couldn't...

    What plugins you use for photoshop?

    Did you use any tutorial to learn this?

    I whant to do this kinda of edditing on my chars... I have ripped ralph from kof 2002... but I whanted to make other stuff with it, and not just put it on my project rawed from the game...

    Must say that this thing falled with the time? well...

  • really impressive...

    The engine is good, the only thing that I tink must be worked is that damn holy wall jump... it's so annoying, sometimes I try to go left to right, but it's more easy if I just try jumping in the same wall until the top...

  • Well, actualliy, I was doing the worst part for me, editing and creating animations...

    And then, I started to find some setbacks for it...

    For example, in the animation editor, none of the normal shortcuts actualy work...


    and for a easy editting this for me is indispensable, since I'm reediting more than 200 sprites...(DAMN ALUCARD!)

    Also, a shortcut for the crop function... and all that in the picture editor

    moreover, the same shortcuts don't work for the paste frames, or copying then...

    Well, it would be nice if those shortcuts are in the next version... moreover, an option in preferences for us to chose the keys... but if it's not possible, at least the normal keys shortcuts...

    Oh, and, something like the libs in the clickteam prograns... that we can create separately to use later on others games... Well, I think this is usefull, because, I like to make on separate files... enemies on one cap, backgrounds on other, effects, etc...

    Well, thanks for reading... and if anything I said is already on construct, please forgive this poor mortal...

  • well man, thanks for the work with construct,

    I dont know where to put it, so I will here...

    Can you put the transparent color on the selector off colors on the picture editor like the mmf?

    And, make a flip horizontaly/verticaly on the picture editor that will flip nor all the image, but a selected part of it(like mmf too)

    Well, it's usefull when for example you have to make a heart, you can make half one, select this part and make a copy of it, flipping and ta-dah... a heart is done...

    Well, I'm trying to explain it here... XD Sorry if you don't understand... or if I put it on the wrong place...

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  • GPL/GNU?

  • by the way, I'm brazilian XD things like this are really impressive... i tink that's what they call globalization XD

    I'll translate it to pt(altrough there's almost anything to translate )

  • Try this first: Reboot the pc

    If not: Uninstall and DELETE the folder scirra, and reinstall it again...

  • Awesome!

    So, with this I can see if a computer, for a example, has pixel shader, how much vram, and things like this...

    Man, awesome work with construct, it's really simple, but really, really powerfull

    I hope for the day when it turns more stable But it's still a wonderfull work

    Keep up the awesome work with it...

  • Looks good, but for some reason, sometimes it's crashing, when I open, a message like the program did something and need to be closed(sorta like this, but it's not the message from the XP...)

    But, it started working and it's really impressive... the power of construct is really impressive... Making a kind of GTA2 camera, in a pseudo 3d enviroment....

    By the way, I'm brazilian, so I'm trying to speak english... sorry for anything...