stevecronin's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Oh, what do ya know, blog post released today by Construct's Community Manager addresses this :D

    I also found this Medium post I found helpful specifically for animations:

    Animation Naming Conventions and Folder Structures for Game Development

    “_” — I use an underscore in the character name so that I can split the character name from it’s variation.

    vap@” — I use an symbol to split the animation action away from the character the animation is for.


    And these two PDFs:

    Game Development Coding Conventions

    Game Development Asset Naming Guidelines

    Hope anyone reading this finds these docs as helpful as I have :)

  • *3.

    Are we not able to edit, or at least preview, our posts? :D

  • After several hundred hours learning RPG Maker as a hobby, I recently discovered Construct 3 and purchased a license! One of my (many) initial impressions is the overt ability to organize EVERYTHING!

    I'm not a programmer in any way, however, I'm quickly learning - as my practice projects become larger - that consistent naming conventions are important.

    I'm curious as to everyone's personal styles or best practices when considering this issue. For example, do you always name variables using camelCase? Do animation = snake_case? UpperCase for Sprites?

    I don't know how many senior programmers are using the Construct 3 dev toolkit, so perhaps the community here hasn't adopted a standard. Regardless, I can become an organization hound when things get complex - and video games are certainly complex for everyone, so maybe it's a topic worth discussing.

    Here's some links to the resources I've recently read:




    Happy constructing!

  • Welcome! I will just explain a few things that I saw.

    Thank you for taking the time to review my issue and help me out! I definitely did not realize the significance of 'on key pressed' vs 'down' and the default enable of platform behavior controls. I also didn't know a sprite could be one size in the animations editor and another in the layout.

    I was able to make the changes you suggested and everything is working perfectly. Thanks for the welcome and, again, for helping me through this block so I can continue to learn more about what Construct can do without this previous puzzler nagging me :D

    Have a nice Monday!

  • Thanks for posting! I watched your video and then checked out the rest of your channel. I discovered the video "Trying Out Construct 3" in which you preview a tutorial about sword hit boxes on a platformer:

    Do you have any plans to make this tutorial or know of one that exists? I recenltly made a thread on this forum with my .c3p file describing the issue:

    Anyway, good videos, thanks again for sharing! Looking forward to see what else you make.

  • Hey folks! I'm very new to using Construct 3 (I've had it about 3 months or so) and have been learning how to use it by making a simple platformer level from scratch.

    What I'm trying to do

    Currently, I'm trying to allow the Player to swing his sword in order to attack enemies. Here's what the Player Attack section of the event sheet looks like.

    As you can see, I have the platform behavior added to the PlayerBox object and created a separate Sprite called PlayerAnim which contains all my animations (walk, jump, attack, etc.) and is positioned to the PlayerBox on every tick.

    The idea is, I have a "Slash" sprite (which is a frame from the player_attack animation) created as an object which, on collision with an enemy sprite, does damage. I got this idea from the "Demonoire" project template that comes with Construct 3.

    The Problem

    1. The Slash sprite is way smaller than the PlayerAnim sprite despite the images being the same size. Ideally it would be the same size so it overlaps the PlayerAmin sprite perfectly. This way I can set the collision points on the sword only for the Slash sprite and the collision points for the player only on the PlayerAnim sprite.

    Currently I have to walk to the middle of an enemy in order to kill him.

    2. The Slash sprite sticks around if I attack while jumping/moving, because it's set to be destroyed when the "attack_sword" animation is finished player. I'm not sure how to fix this.

    3. I disabled player movement during the attack events, but for some reason I'm still able to move the player while attack (fixing this might make #2 in this list moot.)

    And that's it!

    Here's a link to the .c3p file

    I hope this isn't too much to ask on this forum, but I've spend ~6 hours trying to resolve this issue, looked at other Construct templates, and even purchased a Construct platformer template from but for some reason I cannot replicate these results when create the project from scratch myself.

    I would really appreciate any solutions you can provide. I really would like to keep working and learning and this hurdle is becoming a big blocker.

    Thank you :)


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  • Hey there :)

    I've been using Construct for about a week and thought it would be fun to make a tavern-like setting from one of my D&D campaigns. I want to experiment with randomness and behind-the-scenes dice rolls.

    So my question is, if I have 10 different sprites created (NPCs like a bartender, shady patron, barmaid, etc.) but want Construct to randomly spawn only two of them for the Player to interact with - how do I do that?

    I like the idea of each time I start a new game, there's different NPCs to talk to/things to do.

    I've gone through a lot of RPG tutorials for Construct 3 but haven't seen any pointers on this.

    Thank you!

  • 7 posts