staleevolution's Forum Posts

  • One of our developers is putting up some Construct tutorials. You can check it out here: ... n1ZBRtkU0g

  • Sound samples for some levels are up.

    Just click on the link (scroll down slightly) once there.

    Hopefully bring some smiles to your ears.

    Planned Soundtrack for future.

  • So a new site is being constructed where the origin is shared. Bring a tissue if you plan on reading it.

    With another new person onboard (who does Construct 2 tuts.), some new ideas are springing up.

  • I dig the pixel art.

  • Bad Thugs...vert bad thugs. Wallace and James Dr. Dental Decay’s awful drill

  • New member for our Sugar High Shakedown (sad tragic tale of candy outbreak told through a beat em up), Dominique, has created some cool beat em up tutorials using Construct 2. Check em out when you get a chance.

    ...and if you are still curious about Sugar High, then check out the blog at ... n-the-blog

    Hope the tutorials help those in need. I remember working through Construct 2 wanting more like these.

  • Ryder Wall Jumping with just enough stamina to pull himself up.

    Few more updates added to the pixelpopulation site.

  • Some changes have been made.

    A little more in depth on the situation at: ... n-the-blog

    If anyone is still interested.

  • I think PixelPower's suggestion might work with what you asked me.

  • Here Gil is in Shimmy mode. However, I've been stuck for days as to how to make him move across the platform. I had a blue sprite (with platform behavior) spawn on top of the platform's X and Y position and then pressing right, it moves. However, it moves without Gil following it. I think it's the "red" player's shadow that has him stuck.

    Gil can now grab ledges. Gotta love that he took the time to face the camera and pose.

    One other breakthrough; A finally was able to make the combos trigger. Kick, Kick, Kick, Final Kick. If at anytime I don't press the button within a short time, it resets back to IDLE state. So I can build off that now.

    The Shimmy problem (shown above) just frustrating. Can't figure it out.

    Oh...I manage to get the double tap to trigger the run animation and speed.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The platform he lands on has the solid behavior right? What you could do is remove the solid behavior from it.

    Create a new sprite, set it to invisible, give that the solid behavior, resize it to the length (lengths) and width you desire and place it just over the previous platform.

    Just set it a little lower though until you get to where you want your player to land. Test and modify it until you have your player hit the desired spot on the platform.

  • This is just off the cuff and may not work with your events, but someone else might be able to correct me or provide a better way. You could try adding an instance variable and calling it a STATE - text - . So as the player is walking SET the STATE to "WALKING" (with quotes), if Attacking, Set the STATE to "ATTACKING."

    In your events you could try (Press (whatever your attack key is) add condition - player's STATE = Walking, (or that last part might need to be made in to a sub-event) and then add action attack animation.

    The other thing you could try is create an event:

    PLAYER IS MOVING (The platform icon that is moving)

    Button is pressed > Add action>Play Attack animation.

    I'm learning myself, but people here have been pretty helpful, so if this doesn't work, I'm sure someone will figure it out. Good Luck.

  • Don't mind the light green box underneath the orange platform. That is a temp. camera that follows the player using lerp.

  • Below: You can see the Blue rectangle (Shimmy Shadow with platform behavior) is starting to go across the ledge as I'm pressing right.

    The red box is what the character is pinned too as the main platform shadow.

    This is where he clings on when "W" is held down and their is an invisible green shadow that is overlapping the orange platform ledge. The red shadow I believe is what is holding him from moving with blue shimmy shadow. Is there a way to pin both? I'm lost.

  • I want my player to grab ledge and hang then pressing left or right they can go along the edge with hands dangling the edge like Ninja Warrior Cliff hanger.

    I have my character pinned to a rectangle shadow (PShadow). PShadow has the platform behavior.

    I placed invisible sprites (Ledge)on the edges of platforms in higher places.

    I have the player spawn a new sprite on falling and if it overlaps the Ledge and the player is holding W then the player grabs the edge. When player releases W the player springs up to land on the Platform. This works.

    Now Whenthe player is still holding onto the ledge his state is Grab and he spawns an invisible sprite (Shimmy Sprite) with platform behavior and is set on the Ledge.xLedge.Y position.

    So when W is down the player can move left (A) or right (D) to shimmy. So the Shimmy sprite moves on top of the ledge, but my player remains at the end of the edge in paused Shimmy animation.

    I tried disabling the Players shadow platform behavior, but doesn't work. Tried pinning the Shimmy sprite to Character, but doesn't work. I've searched tutorials, but there are nine.

    Any suggestions?
