sqiddster's Forum Posts

  • Hey all,

    I had a chance to chat with Aurel at PAX the other day, and have a look at the code for The Next Penelope (It's AMAZING by the way!). Something interesting I noticed was that he was using particles for all objects which didn't need collision. i.e. there would be a one-shot particle that would emit one particle with 0 velocity. I don't do this in my game, so we discussed it and we couldn't figure out if particles are actually less intensive than objects when you aren't checking for collision.

    Is this the case? I had always assumed that collision is irrelevant if you don't actually have any collision events with that object, but I can't cite a source for that.

  • TunaUppercut OK, so I think that makes it pretty clear that it's a NW issue. The intro scene *is* pretty demanding...

    rogerwang I'd like to help you work this out, is there anything I can give you to help out with it?

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  • TunaUppercut aha,, that's interesting. Fullscreen mode isn't supposed to change anything at all!

    If you have time, could you give this Chrome demo a shot, see how that works? (ignore the weird loading screen text, left that in by mistake)

    If it works for you in fullscreen we'll know that NW has a fullscreen issue.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/419 ... index.html


  • TunaUppercut thanks for letting me know. It might be a Node-Webkit problem, I might try to get a Chrome build up for testing purposes.

    On windowed it works fine, eh? Like, even if you stretch it to the size of the screen?

  • TunaUppercut this shouldn't be the case. What sort of PC are you on? Laptop? Does it have a dedicated GPU?

  • Giganten Interesting. Does it freeze all the time, or just at some points?

  • We've released a demo on Steam to coincide with Intel's announcement that Airscape won 'Best Use of Physics' in their 'Level Up' competition!

  • Yess, Offset and tiling in the Sprite object would be fantastic!

    I do see Ashley's concern however. I think it would probably be OK to leave the tiledBG in the software as a deprecated feature, or, even better, convert all tiledBG objects to sprites.

    Having multiple object types that all do similar stuff is a pain, especially for families etc. Combining to one object would be ideal.

  • This is quite different from auto-tiling since it's not on a tile based system. Honestly I don't think you'll be able to do this without serious hacking/plugin writing.

  • ggibson1 that's not a bad idea. I might give that a try...

  • Hey all,

    A mysteriously missing feature from C2 for some time now is the ability to loop through all the webstorage values for a game. This might seem a bit useless, so I'll try to illustrate my current predicament.

    I have a 'save slot' system which works by prefacing every webstorage value with a slot value - e.g. "Score" becomes "1_Score" for slot 1, "2_Score" for slot 2. I set up functions to do this all automatically, and it works well.

    The problem comes when I'm trying to clear a slot by removing all the webstorage values prefaced with that slot value. I've been attempting to find a way to workaround, and it all comes down to the fact that we can't loop through the webstorage like we can for a dictionary, even though the two systems are functionally identical.

    Any thoughts?

  • (Sorry to revive this old thread) but GeometriX do you reckon there'd be a way to override where this goes to? Currently the game can't take advantage of steam cloud saving due to this issue.

  • Hey all, just a quick question:

    Does anyone know the exact OS version that Node-Webkit exports start working properly on? I know that before a certain point, NW crashes on startup. (Context: Writing up minimum system requirements for Steam.)


  • Aphrodite d'oh... well I guess you learn something every day. I guess we can close this topic ._.

    jayderyu what's the difference between using global variables, and using instance variables on a global object?

  • Hey all,

    Something I've found quite annoying recently is that there's literally no way to move variables (Global/local), or chunks of code containing those variables, between event sheets, without going through every place the variable is used in the ENTIRE project and replacing them with a temp value.

    For local variables you can workaround it OK by creating copies of those variables in the destination sheet, then copying the code over. For globals, there is no such luck.

    There really should be a way to do this. I feel like it might be difficult due to the architecture of the engine, but a workaround shouldn't be too hard (?)

    Anyone agree that this is needed?