Hey all,
A mysteriously missing feature from C2 for some time now is the ability to loop through all the webstorage values for a game. This might seem a bit useless, so I'll try to illustrate my current predicament.
I have a 'save slot' system which works by prefacing every webstorage value with a slot value - e.g. "Score" becomes "1_Score" for slot 1, "2_Score" for slot 2. I set up functions to do this all automatically, and it works well.
The problem comes when I'm trying to clear a slot by removing all the webstorage values prefaced with that slot value. I've been attempting to find a way to workaround, and it all comes down to the fact that we can't loop through the webstorage like we can for a dictionary, even though the two systems are functionally identical.
Any thoughts?