sqiddster's Forum Posts

  • I know that Problem 1 is actually not a problem. You can paste the action into the event, instead of the empty action side.

  • As a matter of fact, it does.

    So it's a webGL problem.

  • Do not know if this is a bug, but anyway.

    I preview in chrome and want to use right click in my game. However in preview, whenever I right-click, it functions, but also brings up the right click menu (very bad).

    Is this a bug? if not how do I fix it?

  • I would put a debug test showing the objectcount variable. Often slowdown can be caused by accidentally spawning a stream of objects.

  • Looks great!

    I am still getting issues in regards to seeing small artefacts (thin vertical lines) around the edges of letters, and distortions (ragged edges, displaced pixels). No idea what is causing this.

    I use WebGL and am not using power of two textures, so that's good.

    But I can add spritefont to my project without worry now? Updates won't break all my spritefont objects?

  • Good luck with this! I have always been interested in procedural generation - this seems like a difficult but worthy endeavour!

  • TastyBytes, that look good, although he will not hold the gun. Use an imagepoint and this condition

    if gun = 1

    gun: set position to another object (player, image point 1)

  • Make the 0.1 something like 0.05 or 0.02 or something ;)

  • I hate to make a suggestion as I know Scirra's plate is so full... But there is something I see as a major necessity as a game gets larger.

    The Z-ordering at the moment gets very irritating, as it is very difficult to specify what is on top of what if there is a large number of objects, especially if they are not to be in the layout at start.

    A good solution would be to be able to specify the z-index of objects at edit-time (and runtime, why not ;) )

    An excellent solution would be a vertical list of all objects that could be accessed, and the objects moved up and down the list to specify what is on top of what.

    That would be a fantastic and welcome solution.

  • Because chrome is not fast enough already ;)

  • They would probably both run at the same speed. However, for convenience sake, I would do one event sheet for the game and another for the menus, or something like that.

  • Looks like you are preparing it for portable devices ;)

    Hope it goes well!

  • Ashley, I have observed the 8-directional bug in both chrome and (rarely) firefox. It is very severe and common in chrome and, upon testing, it is caused by clicking. I have seen it in Firefox only when changing tabs.

    I hope that something can be done about this, it makes a game almost unplayable.

  • Arima, I suppose you are seeing a grey screen 'of death'. From my experience, this can be caused by a variety of things, from simple bugs with quirky things to plugins which have become broken.

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  • , bug 2 seems to occur mostly in Chrome only.