sqiddster's Forum Posts

  • I just exported a game I have worked a while on, however after export, the game window appears 'shrunk' by a factor of about 1.5. I'm doing it from dropbox, and 'fullscreen in browser' is off.

    The project's window size is 640 * 480, and looking into index.html, it is also canvas id="c2canvas" width="640" height="480".

    Also, the canvas is stuck at the top of the page, which looks a bit derpy.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    EDIT: The webpage was zoomed out. I think I qualify for the SUPREME DERP AWARD.


  • OK. Ashley, has Chrome contacted you about the bug? I have heard no response from them however I did direct them to you in a comment.

  • Oh wow...

    Someone just replied to the thread saying that this effects all HTML5 games, not just C2 games!

    I suppose this is good for us as it means Chrome really needs to sit up and take notice now.

  • Not yet...

    I suppose we should give them some time. I'll contact them soon to see what's going on.

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  • Sure is possible.

    You could name each animation idleN with n being 1,2,3,etc.

    then when you want to set the animation, use the action

    set animation to idle&ceil(random(whatever)). The ceil makes it an integer

    and the & just converts the number value into a string.

    Hopefully that helps! Welcome to C2 ;)

  • I have copied events across a few times, without any trouble...

  • scirra.com/manual/34/best-practices


    Read up on these, specifically the second link. Let us know if you need any more help.

  • I don't know exactly... but I suppose I'm saying that with a big layout comes more objects, so be careful.

  • I know that Scirra is planning on implementing pixel shaders powered by webgl... Colour manipulation is an obvious choice.

  • I believe it will be fine. Just be careful in terms of layout size! Don't want it getting too big.

  • I know C2 does not try to render objects that aren't visible... however I suppose if you are applying events to them they will still be taking up performance.

  • Yes, this does make sense. This is quite a nice revelation for me, actually ;)

  • Yeah, I know for sure at one point I was getting errors whenever I did it... I wonder if it is still unsupported?

    EDIT: ahh, it is all clear now. You only need one of each object type in ONE layout.

    Too easy. Silly me for making a fuss ;)

  • I was just wondering what is happening with the issue of not being able to spawn instances of objects that are not present in the layout.

    It makes sense to be able to spawn any object in the project, and this feature would be a HUGE help for level editing.

    Of course it probably is a technical problem that I have no experience with, but I was just wondering how that is going/if scirra intends to fix.

    EDIT: It seems I just spawned an object not on the current layout...

    Either Scirra fixed this under my nose or I an very ignorant ;)

    Probably both ;)

  • Awesome! So Ashley just to clarify, will we be able to officially integrate their statistics, achievement, etc. API's while being able to export into a convenient format?

    Many thanks, looking forward to this very much!