spy84's Forum Posts

  • russpuppy i visit your site youve made a lot of games. all these games made with c2?

  • i dont know guys you complain about cjs plugin the same time where i complain about cjs v2 from the moment it came out. i cant install it in my mobile/mobiles under 2.3.7 (with official and custom roms) 2 weeks passed already and ludei said we try to resolve the problem of "invalid package"...im so angry...ludei is good at promises but they failed almost every time to fullfill our expectations

  • a great update for c2 for me will be a dynamic lighting system..

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  • its strange that no one has the same problem under android version 2.3.7 after the update of cjs. Other people with samsung s and s2 have the same problem with me. During installation of cjs the error "package file is invalid". Anyway ludei team will take care of the problem as they said "hopefully before the end of this week" so if anyone has the same problem just make patience and it will work.

  • Yes i know it has no connection to c2 but im facing this problem after the 2.0 edition of cjs and i dont know what to do is facing another one the same situation? ive got a phone with 2.3.7 android. Everytime i try to install cjs i get the same error package file is invalid.

    i search in google and some fix steps like

    clear data and cache of playstore

    wipe data from fast recovery

    unistall updates of playstore

    factory settings reset

    i also have a rooted phone so i load a new rom (a cyanogen 7.2)

    i add a different account in playstore (with the same results)

    i change the ssid name of my rooter

    i download hideman app

    but nothing at all...i cant install cjs

    i also comment yesterday morning this issue in ludeis help center but i dont get any answer..

    i saw another one with the same problem also in 2.3.7

    can someone help?

  • the solution i send you via pm a month ago didnt resolve the issue?

  • can anybody confirms that cjs 2.0 is working under android 2.3.7?

  • i cannot update cocoonjs via playstore. i tried several times and in installation process it pops up this message : package file is invalid..i clear the cache i unistall playstore updates i connect via hideman in another ip but still nothing..on my tablet everything is ok but in my phone ive got this problem...oh i hate factory reset..

  • i try to install wine in ubuntu 13.10 i had some issues but now its ok and ill test c2 today in ubuntu.i hope that everything will work ok.

    about gamedevelop its like almost the same like c2. it has dynamic lights system and it starts something like kickstarter campaing https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/game-develop for mobile exporters and desktop exporters. its less than 2000 euros away for get funded. A nice program

    Ashley if gamedevelop has the dynamic lights feature why not C2? Is that difficult? its a great "tool"

  • problem solved i install the exe file from a friends pc with 32bit os and now i can run it.so if you want delete the topic

  • yes i did it but nothing. i use another unistaller not windows to scan for leftovers and delete those as well i delete the directories i reinstall it but nothing same problem.

    I deactivate antivirus i install it again i check for any issues with my pc with tune it up-like program for registry problems or other issues, nothing also.

    i install it in my gfriends netbook and it run ok. netbook has 32bit windows i use 64bit.i'll try to install it in ubuntu to see if its ok there but as c2 cant run under linux its a problem.. the thing is that intel doesnt have any previous builds so im stuck with 505.Many people have problems with automatic update and offline update/install so lelts hope that they solve the problem.But for now there is no solution for my problem.

  • spy84 bjadams - I was actually contacted out of the blue by http://www.hoodamath.com and ended up selling a non-exclusive license for three of my games. A non-exclusive license basically means that the entity that purchases the license can use it for their own site (usually by hosting the game and generating ad traffic/money). But it is non-exclusive, so I am free to shop my game around to other places and sell it again and again. An exclusive license will sell for more money, but then you can only sell it once. Of course, there are gray areas and nothing is set in stone, and you will want all the terms spelled out in a contract so both parties know what to expect and for how long each party must abide by it.

    and which are the games you sold?can u send me a link with pm if you want?

  • well done my friend. I want to ask you something. Where you sold it?Cause i just saw a site called marketJS and i find it interresting.Or somewhere else?Can you give me a guide?It will be very helpfull.

    And something else, i am a little curious. have you a link of your games?thanks in advance if you want send me a pm.wish you best of luck , creativity and success

  • i dont know if i should post here but at intel's xdk forum i dont find any usefull answer so if someone knows please help me.

    i ran xdk 240(?) version an old one so i tried today to update it. at the updating process the xdk crashes and said about a problem...Then i go to the xdk site and manually i download and instal 505.when i ran it it poped up a window saying that :

    "xdk encountered a problem and must restard." I check my java version 7, 51build.i unistall both java and xdk i search for leftover files i delete them and install again java and xdk. But the same message..Has anyone here face a problem like this.Is there a solution?Or should i wait until the next build?

    the log is this:

    The xdk:server: Http server started on the standard port 58889

    editor:server: Startup complete, serving on port: 51732

    client:navbar: navbar options: {"updatePollingInterval":1800,"forceUpdate":false}

    xdk:client: Unexpected exception while initializing "project-manager" (maybe crash): TypeError: Cannot call method 'getRootDirectory' of undefined

    TypeError: Cannot call method 'getRootDirectory' of undefined

    at checkProjectExists_ (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:22604)

    at lazyOpen (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:1110)

    at eval (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:23049)

    From previous event:

    at loadProjectList (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:23015)

    at eval (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:27514)

    at _fulfilled (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:880:54)

    at resolvedValue.promiseDispatch.done (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:910:30)

    at makePromise.promise.promiseDispatch (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:557:13)

    at Object.eval [as _onImmediate] (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:436:41)

    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:330:15)

    xdk:client: Unexpected exception while initializing "persistance" (maybe crash): TypeError: Cannot call method 'getRootDirectory' of undefined

    TypeError: Cannot call method 'getRootDirectory' of undefined

    at checkProjectExists_ (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:22604)

    at lazyOpen (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:1110)

    at eval (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:23049)

    From previous event:

    at loadProjectList (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:23015)

    at eval (file:///C:/Users/spy.spy-PC/AppData/Local/Intel/XDK/xdk/components/client/project-manager/project-manager.js:17:27514)

    at _fulfilled (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:880:54)

    at resolvedValue.promiseDispatch.done (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:910:30)

    at makePromise.promise.promiseDispatch (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:557:13)

    at Object.eval [as _onImmediate] (C:\Users\spy.spy-PC\AppData\Local\Intel\XDK\xdk\public\external\js\q.js:436:41)

    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:330:15)

    [Log closed from xdk:client]

  • guys after updating from version 240 (i think) to the newest 505 i cant open xdk. It crashes. "xdk encountered a problem and must restart".

    ive check my java version is up to date. im running w7 64bit