Request for future C2 updates

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  • Hello,

    I would like to know if it's possible to add several options to C2 in the future release.

    -"Disable collisions with" function (there is only a global collision disabler)

    -The possibility to couple "and" and "or" conditions in one block.

    -"Set imagepoint to" fonction, to be able to change origin point or different image points in real time.

  • Hello,

    I would like to know if it's possible to add several options to C2 in the future release.

    -"Disable collisions with" function (there is only a global collision disabler)

    -The possibility to couple "and" and "or" conditions in one block.

    -"Set imagepoint to" fonction, to be able to change origin point or different image points in real time.

    -"Disable collisions with" function (there is only a global collision disabler)

    Already requested that few times. Still waiting!

    -The possibility to couple "and" and "or" conditions in one block.

    you can do that using "&" for "and", and "|" for "or" in expressions, for example "distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) | distance(x3,y3,x4,y5) - do something"

    -"Set imagepoint to" fonction, to be able to change origin point or different image points in real time.

    That would be useful too.

  • I don't understand the need of changing an image point in real time. Could you provide an example?

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  • For an example: If a character changes a weapon, say, from a handgun to an heavy one, the imagepoint which the bullet would come from, would definetely change. I think it's easier to code this rather than change in the image editor.

  • But then it would be a different sprite or different animation frame, in which then you're going to have a default imagepoint on that version to shoot with anyway.

  • Well, there are many ways to implement things like that. You could put the guns as separate entities and this is where this little feat could shine.

  • a great update for c2 for me will be a dynamic lighting system..

  • I don't understand the need of changing an image point in real time. Could you provide an example?

    Let's say I want the characted to move to an object. Well the character moves in order to sync his own image point position with the object's one.

    Though I may have found how to fix it. Create a variable, var x=imagepoint.X(0) and var y=imagepoint.Y(0) and then change the variables.

    For the or and and the idea was tu use it in a block. Because you don't always can put code. But it seems to work when you do or conditions first and then create a subevent with & conditions.

  • So the really cool feature to add would be DISABLE COLLISIONS WITH (that will help alot when you want the object to interact with some stuff and not with others)

  • Call native function for ejecta ios.

  • 'Disable collision with': why not just add a condition that skips testing collisions with objects you don't want to test collisions for?

    Coupling 'and' / 'or': most likely will not be supported due to the architecture of the event system, although you can use logic in the form (A or B or C) AND (D or E or F) using a sub-event which is also an OR block, or evaluate expressions (e.g. "Sprite.X <= 50 | Sprite.X >= 100")

    'Set imagepoint to': if possible just add another image point to the image editor, otherwise you can work around with calculating the math yourself

  • 'Disable collision with': why not just add a condition that skips testing collisions with objects you don't want to test collisions for?

    This one is problematic, because I might want one type of instances to test collisions with let's say bullet, but not with the solid objects on the map, and both can't couple, at least from my experiments.

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