Spider_hip's Forum Posts

  • I really liked this effects. But it's really weird. If I set values on startup they effects as normal. But if I change the values on runtime(for day/night cycle) than It effects very odd. I add 100 to value, but it effects like 10000. Or I set rgb highlights to 100. Than I decrease it 25 4 times. if it becomes 75 than it effects like 750. when it becomes 50 it effects like 750 again, when it becomes 0 than it effects like 0.

    I couldn't resolve reason of this oddness.

  • Hi ^^ Your tutorial really helps me a lot. I can understand this plugin with 2 examples better.

    It's weird that if you close the application with x than "end of application" function doesn't work.

    And it's important to know exact number of players, if you work with team like game or if you try to create layout owner to first player. If creator of room(first layout logger) leaves the room, others should automaticaly disconnect by that layout.

    I'm trying to make a fake master server - sub server(create room) like system. :)

    I have an idea, what if we untick application caption property. And draw a same looking caption with sprite ^^. So x button can be our own button which handles same with esc button ^^.

    If it works, than only problem left would be task manager logouts :)

    By the way, do you have any idea about how to make a real master server-sub server system with cc ? Is it possible with some way ?

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  • Thank you again :) I'm really sorry to disturb you again and again. But now I found weird problem again :)

    If I create a new app, It works. But I tried netshooter's cap(online plugin demo). When I click to host button, It gives error and app ends. If I change edit plugin with old one, then when I click to host, It works.

    Why could it be like that ?

  • Thank you verymuch lucid you're great.. It works great..

    But I relaised a weird bug. If an editbox doesn't focus on than you can't see it's border, and can't select it. Even if you click it's invicible area.

    For example with this plugin, if you try to use scidave's network plugin, you can't see and select ip and name editboxes. If you focus on one of them than other one becomes unfocused ^^.

    Thank you for all your work.

  • I'm sorry to wake up an old topic ^^ But I really need (buddy40)'s file.. I have problem with that editbox focux off. :( I handle that problem with minimize application and maximize again. But now I need to work on fullscreen so I can't use that method. Thank you..

  • Wow will there be a new version for CC? Omg thats super duper news..

  • Hi all.

    I created an online highscore system with php+mysql database + http object's post function.

    I can send data's to my database. Then I want to get that highscore from hosting to my game. Beceause that way I believe I can show higscore list to players much better looking style.

    I did it with downloading page as ini file. And showed on my game.

    I think I should delete my ini file after get data's from there.

    I don't know if its safe way or if there is better ways to do this. They say flatfiles can be used for this, but I have no clue about what the flatfile is.

    Do you know any better way? Or is there any problem with my way that I should handle before releasing ?

    Thank you...

  • Smth wrong with link.

  • Oh I'm happy for your name and sorry for us ^^. Well it was really good project. I hope someone take flag and project lives. And we can make nice multiplayer games.

    Is there any way for getting our real ip number ?

    Beceause if there is, I can use mey host as a master server always. I have dynamic ip, so it changes time to time. I don't want clients to write my ip adress always. If there is a way to get my real ip so I can send that number to mysql database. And clients can get that number on application start. So without knowing the address they can connect to my server.

    Is it possible ?

  • Very nice :). Death Rally 2 is coming ^^. I was really good at death rally, I was being first on hard difficulty with lower level car. But I couldn't used to your controllers yet. Still working on it.

  • You already know how to left/right. It's same for up/down. And you only have to add a control like, if weather choosen, than if pressed left or right do smth. If time choosen, than if pressed left or right do smth. Thats all.


  • I think you should keep going with CC too. Its still early for C2.

  • Hi kapitan. Why do you want this topic to be deleted ? I think you're doing a great job. I think you should keep working on this project.

    Ps: I couldn't get new version.

  • I think this is the best grid movement tutorial. Thank you for sharing.

    But I couldn't see turn based system. To be turn based I guess there should be end turn system. Until pressing "end turn" you shouldn't move same object twice. (if its not a horse or tank maybe :))

  • Hi.

    I guess problem with dying is about "if health less than" events.

    If health less than 8 do this

    If health less than 6 do this

    But if health less than 6 it means it's also less than 8 which means both conditions are true. I guess you should use 2 events on same event line like this;

    if health less than 8 and if it's greater than 6, do this.

    I think it should solve that problem.


    I think at the start of events, on "on left clicken on klapp11" event adding 5 to countdown variable is causing to a bug. I think you should change it like;

    If klapp11 animation frame equals to 2

    on left clicked on klapp 11 than do this. Otherwise if player keeps clicking to green button, it adds 5 to countdown.