Spider_hip's Forum Posts

  • Thank you. I didn't know them. Can you send us a example ini file hashed with crc32, save/load system please, but of course if you have spare time.

    Thank you.

  • Omg this is great. It works with player movement. It can unfocus and besides all of them it's already a cool plugin which gives amazing options.

    Thank you very much for sharing this. I wonder how many more plugins/addons are there which I haven't noticed yet.

  • Thank you for your share.

    I wonder what is the difference between this system(saving stated values to ini file, than loading stated values to game) and construct's own system save / system load option. As I see if I choose to save and load with c1's save load system. Again I see same result. When I press save button it saves something to ini file. When I press to load button, it automatically loads that values.

    Plus if you save as txt file, than it saves with weird code style so no one can decode it and change some values (change max health from 200 to 3000) So you got encoded file, you don't have to state all values one to one, you don't have to load all values one to one, you don't need to prepare your own encode system to protect your game from cheats.

    Please don't get me wrong, I really have no clue with both these systems cause I never tried them yet. I never had a enough game to think about its save/load system yet :). I'm just asking to learn. Cause I hope I'll need it later. :)

    Thank you.

  • chrisbrobs

    Thank you for your help but It seems, it doesn't work with 8-direction sprite either.

    I think c++ coders may fix this issue. There should be unfocus option for thoso combobox, listbox, etc objects. Or maybe on system options there maybe set layout focus option.

    I don't want to get yell from developers :), I know they already did a great job with this great engine, even they re going to make better with c2. I just wanted to say my opinion with this situation.

    I think there was a person who wanted to join c1 development a few days ago on forum. Maybe he can fix these kind of small issues. :)

    Thank you all.

  • Well actually it's not complicated but, I think if I destoy that after player choose something, I should store the choosen one, than when I create it again, I should set selected list again with stored choosen one ? I don't know if I'm right. Plus

    I tried to destroy it, and create it, It didn't work. It still keeps being selected. But maybe I couldn't destroy it properly.

    As I see same issue exist on listbox too. I searched it, someone has written; if you minimize than maximize the layout fast. Than without a notice you can have control again. I couldn't find how to minimize and maximize the layout with codes too. And I guess if your game runs on fullscreen, everyone could notice it easily.

    Thank you for your help

  • Oh, thats bad. Being have to create/destroy for every selection makes it useless. I'll try smth else.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hi all

    I have a sprite with 8 direction behavior. And a combobox. When I select something from the combobox than I can't controll my sprite anymore. I can't deselect that combobox with clicking around. It keeps selected.

    Is there anyway to deselect it ? Like maybe "on dropdown closed" do something. Or "on selection changed" do something (deselect combobox)

    Thank you.

  • Thank you very much for your help..

    Actually I give a private variable to object. Than I used "every 1000 miliseconds" decrase that value 1, until it reaches to 0.

    I don't know if it makes exact 4 seconds from 4 to 0 but I guess It's more accurate than my first try.

  • Hi all

    I wanted to make smth like this.


    If Player press "e" and Variable.e = 0 than

    set speed = 500

    Variable.e = 1


    If variable.e = 1 than

    every 4000 miliseconds

    Variable.e = 0


    If variable.e = 0 than

    set speed = 200


    Which I just wanted to make is 4 second boost.

    First Problem : On first e press, Variable.e doesn't turn to 1. On second press it sometimes turns to 1, after that it returns to normal.

    Second Problem : When it turns to 1, it should return to 0 exactly 4 seconds later. But it sometimes turns to 0 after 1 second or 2 seconds or even 0,5 second and sometimes after 4 seconds.

    Whats going on ?

    It's like, it doesn't start to count from 0 to 4000 when I press to e. It's like, it starts to count on layout start, and on e press It's a luck to catch it on 0 , sometimes you may catch it on 3500. So after 500 miliseconds, it reaches to 4000 , so condition becomes true and variable.e turns to 0.

    I hope I could explain my problem.

  • Hi R0J0hound , thank you for this valuable information.

    I Just wonder what if walls didn't place like a square box. What if collision object was an ellipse ? Than how can I give angle to it ?

  • Hi again

    I think I did it :) haha just a minute after I posted topic.

    I think It should be like (currentvalue-minvalue)/(maxvalue-minvalue)*bar's total width

    Thank you again :)

  • Hi all

    I'm trying to make a speed launch bar which goes between min 700 to max 1300 values continuously until player press x. When player press players object gets that value.(Player tries to press it when it's near to max value)

    My question is how can I make a gui effect? Like a bar which should have maximum width when value reaches to 1300. And should have 1 width when value becomes 700. Should have half width when value is 1000 . Like that.

    I know it should be very simple math. But believe me, I'm very bad at math , especially time to time I forgot even simple math.

    Thank you very much.

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  • Hi I have 2 objects in a family. I have an area in game. I try;

    1-) for each object if they move to left/right/up/down from center I want them to scale up. Actually I can do that. There is not any problem with that. The problem is, I used family codes to do that but if only blue object moves x and y scale works. if yellow one moves there is nothing happening. Besides that, if blue object moves it scales both objects. But they have 2 private variables to scale each other with their own position.

    Here is my work:


    Yeah I can write same code seperately but I'm planning to create maybe 20 objects like them. Plus if I do everything seperately whats the point of family(class) function. It mess's the code area.

    2-) Also I couldn't succeed on bounce for those two objects when they collide. They collide with sprite 3(which is oval line around the stadium) with no problem. But they don't bounce with each other. When I try that they goes inside from each other. So thats why I gave them solid behaviour. And beceause of that they don't bounce on sprite 3 everytime.

    I hope I could explain my problem enough.

    Oh and I added first event's first code (for each items) at last time and I forgot to delete it. Anyway It does nothing already.

    Thank you

  • Oh I'm sorry I didn't notice that earlier. I'll be more careful about post dates from now on :). Thank you.

  • Thank you for tutorial but I can't find the file ? Where is it ?