Thx for clarification. I guessed it, that you can´t call a Sprite. Anyways. You can get around, by using functions ! I just thought to "directly" use JS-code to manipulate a Sprite.
2.) Ah ok, guessed it too. As we can include as many *.js files into our scene, as we want, is it clever to to put all your logic into "one" *.js, or can you use different *.js for different tasks ? Like : "run.js", "camera.js", etc ...
Manual / API:
"...What else do you want it to cover? ...". All the commands for an external-JS isn´t on the link you provide. F.E. i can´t find anything like this "c2_callFunction(func_name, args_array);" in the so called "documentation"-link. There are just 2x-3x "small bitmap-pics" that barely describe some stuff. Thats all. There is 1x example.capx, i think. But its not done in different example.capx files, what would be much better, imho.
I also don´t get it, if you wrote something like "func_name, args_array". Therefore i need "real_names" in an explaination, that refer to a other "real_name" and so on. Maybe you can take a look at some other API-documentations of other GameEngines.
I only found important stuff in this forum here. Just wantet to give positive-critic. I am not a super power user in "JavaScript" ! Just learning it. And yeah, its maybe not that important for you, if you don´t want to reach many users, etc. Can understand it.