Spax's Forum Posts

  • Sad to hear that C2 SDK is too limited for further 3D-things. Do you think C3 is more capable for such a task ? Or do you know any other 2D HTML5 GameEngine that can be combined with threeJS ?

  • "...Will we see new stuff from you again e.g. plugins or demos?"

    If this would happen, i would by 5x more Q3D-plugins ! :-) (especially if the update would include any ThreeJS connection)

  • Does anybody know if this "Q3d" is compatible with threeJS ? Is it extandable with it ? I mean you get continues updates in "threeJS". And if its possible to merge it with it, it would be great !

  • Thx.

    Got some answers. So my last question (3) where described in the faq, as these:

    2.) What happens when my subscription ends?

    You'll still be able to open your projects in the free edition, but you will not be able to edit or export them. You will still have access to all your files and assets.

    This are heavy restrictions ! i have to say. I don´t like the idea, when your license ends, you paid a busines / personal license and after 12month you fall back to a free and even not able to edit something :-((

  • Hi.

    I own a C2 personal license. So the license system changed for the new Construct 3. Now i am curious if i got it right & how it is meant to be. The new license system for C3 (personal) would be 89,-eur per year. So does this mean:

    1.) 12 month support ?

    2.) 12 month free updates ?

    3.) What happens after 12 month, if i don´t continue the license ? Can i still use C3 ? I guess i can´t update to newer versions !?

  • Can someone compare the speed of this nodeJS build and the older C2-windows build ? I am only interested in C3 if its offline usable and if the Editor is smooth as the C2 Editor. Can it handle big projects like C2 ?

  • "In the near future, ..." This is what i meant. Anyways. I am glad that "...Construct already handles this automatically...", so in the near future, it will work, i guess.

    But now, i still have this problem with audio (don´t mean autoplay) ... can i provide you a file, to check my setup ???

  • I guessed it. Yeah...i take it as it is, and i am thankfull. Cheers. But i will ask you again some questions ;-)

  • If you are stating something like this, it would be great if you maybe can mention :

    0.) which System (Android, iOS, both ???)

    1.) which Browsers (its only about mobile-ones)

    2.) from which vers. It will not be possible

    3.) and or simply provide a "link" where all forum-users can read about

    this "change is still in progress"

    We would appreatiate something like this.

  • Okay.

    Thx for clarification. I guessed it, that you can´t call a Sprite. Anyways. You can get around, by using functions ! I just thought to "directly" use JS-code to manipulate a Sprite.

    2.) Ah ok, guessed it too. As we can include as many *.js files into our scene, as we want, is it clever to to put all your logic into "one" *.js, or can you use different *.js for different tasks ? Like : "run.js", "camera.js", etc ...

    Manual / API:

    "...What else do you want it to cover? ...". All the commands for an external-JS isn´t on the link you provide. F.E. i can´t find anything like this "c2_callFunction(func_name, args_array);" in the so called "documentation"-link. There are just 2x-3x "small bitmap-pics" that barely describe some stuff. Thats all. There is 1x example.capx, i think. But its not done in different example.capx files, what would be much better, imho.

    I also don´t get it, if you wrote something like "func_name, args_array". Therefore i need "real_names" in an explaination, that refer to a other "real_name" and so on. Maybe you can take a look at some other API-documentations of other GameEngines.

    I only found important stuff in this forum here. Just wantet to give positive-critic. I am not a super power user in "JavaScript" ! Just learning it. And yeah, its maybe not that important for you, if you don´t want to reach many users, etc. Can understand it.

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  • Hey, this is a really great plugin !

    I managed to got it working with variables / floats. So importing my *.js file into the scene works ! I just got some questions:

    1.) Can i command directly a "Sprite" inside C2, named "sprite_test" , by my outside "test.js"-file ? If yes, what is the command for it ? I didn´t found any info about it.

    2.) Does an external *.js have an impact to the whole performance of the game ?? I was just thinking about the communication of variables from extern JS to C2 and vise versa, that it could slow down the information flow.

    And last but not least: it wasn´t easy to get info about API / commands for the extern JS / and intern C2 commands. All i found was in this thread here. Therefore i would recommend to the devs, to make a kind of API link onto their website (with a search function & examples)

  • I am not sure if i understood everything. But yeah, thats right...they block it. But it is possible, to play without user input (w. the code i shared above). I tried it on different mobile-browsers (Android). say it is allready possible by the construct2-intern-Audio Plugin?

    I didn´t expirienced that, sadly. It would be great if you can provide a link + a sample.capx , so i can see how its done internaly by C2.

  • Wow !!!

    What a usefull plugin !!!

  • There is also a possible solution to play sound without user-input with the plugin "ToneJS" which is provided by "RexRainbow". It works as expected.

    But it wasn´t that easy to figure out, how to use it. Therefore i will share an example-file with you :!Yglh2apY!Q2mkQuItenkUsHoZR7PaCVSbC7gigT6CQ--PI3gm5Vk

    EDIT (info to the Moderator of this forum):

    My previous post didn´t went through. So it was a test / junk and can be deleted !

  • So happy...

    ...I was able to solve my Prob 1.) "closing the app"

    Because it didn´t worked by Plugins and C2 closing mechanisms. Than i found out, that you can use this command :

    CocoonJS - EXIT app (via Browser-Execute-Javascript):



    (you just need one of them. All two works)