Somebody's Forum Posts

  • I find the many topics and "outrage" about this somewhat humorous - it's absolutely clear that something has gone wrong, the website itself was barely up for most of yesterday and, this should be obvious, no sane company would actually try to brute force their users to buy something by increasing the volume of emails. The guys had some days off for the Holidays, something glitched and nobody was there to fix it - it's not the end of the world.

    These are just emails - click/tap Delete, move on.

  • Or, for better precision, every tick add dt to timer.

  • Or you could go the lazy route and just make an animation like [O ] [ O] pin it at the contour and on switch set the animation frames with abs(currentframe-1) for example - they will auto flip in one event.

  • Excellent implementation - really feels like a card shuffle. Mind showing your events for it?

    If I may comment on the game - the moment when you see the cards feels a little short, mainly because you are not prepared for it, perhaps add a "Ready?" there after the shuffed and start after a click. Also I would make the sounds about 1/3 in length. I would also add some drop shadows to th objects on the table to add some dimension.

  • Container behaviour - let's you kinda group objects.

  • This is actually rather neat. With some graphical polish and toned down sounds it could be a rather nice tablet game. I suspect a clean "flat" look, like 100 or threes might work wonders.

  • If you have a sword created for each knight and placed over the necessary pin position it will work. So you need to make sure there's a sword present. You can either spawn one at the start and then pin it OR have a container for the knights and place a sword in there, in that case you only need to set its location correctly and then pin it.

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  • I suspect any browser based system won't let you freely preset paths - otherwise sneaky people could get executable files into sensitive locations.

  • The way I would do it is by assigning the cards two Instance variables, say TargetX and TargetY. You need to put desired coordinates in there. Then you use the wonderful lerp function to interpolate the movement of the cards towards their target locations - something like Set position to lerp(Sprite.X,Sprite.TargetX,dt) - and you can change the dt*Something to change the movement speed.

    I actually whipped up an example for you, just simplified with a base position.

    You could add a variable to the cards, like a boolean IsMoving and then only dot the lerp when it's moving. Then you can disable it if target X and Y have been reached, but also do something like enable that variable on a timer so the cards fly out one after another nicely.

  • Well, while the forums were down I managed to greatly move the "app" forward. Now most of the functions work and it's possible to make a good deal of different textures - from abstract to cartoony to realistic. Here are some examples:

    [attachment=2:1xz2wn0k]Seamless (37).png[/attachment:1xz2wn0k]

    [attachment=1:1xz2wn0k]Seamless (45).png[/attachment:1xz2wn0k]

    [attachment=0:1xz2wn0k]Seamless (46).png[/attachment:1xz2wn0k]

    By saving and loading states, using undo and playing around with the variety settings one can achieve some rather neat designs. Right now the main issue is creating interesting and usable "brushes". That, and saving just the image, not the whole screen.

    You can grab the project (and hopefully add or improve something) here: ... s%20D.capx

  • That would be rather neat to have, even better if the palettes were editable/saveble/loadable.

  • Why do you need the lerp?

  • Why not use what's already there - i.e. behaviours, etc. Here's my lazy approach:

  • If the movement is a simple back and forth or a square then timer behaviour seems like a good idea - just do something like every X seconds set movement angle to movement angle+180 degrees and your obstacle moves back and forth. +90 degrees and it moves in a square pattern (or toy with conditions to make it rectangular).

    If it's something more complex search for "finite state machine" here.

  • I was doing some research and for graphical fidelity 1280x720 seemed rather good. Not sure what happens when you get A LOT of objects on screen, but that should be reasonably future-proof for a while, given how the mega-resolution tablets and phones have such high DPI that the tiny pixels in your art wouldn't be noticeable anyway.