Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Give the sprites a pin behaviour and pin them to the background - will probably work. You might need to duplicate some of them so the 360 illusion works.

  • This example image seems reasonably "flat" - as in, there seems little need for a google maps styled image stretching so we can just scroll around it. The rest is just math to make the mouse behave in an expected fashion.

  • If you give me an example image I can probably cook something up.

  • A tiling background that scrolls based on mouse position? Could also mix in warp layers to bend the image for a more "deep" feeling.

  • Sounds cool, might be a great way to warm up before a bigger project. I have been preparing some tools just for this sort of thing.

  • Well, just add a check for whatever is spawning the bullets, like If Ammo > 0 then Every 0.2 seconds spawn bullets.

  • Well, since you have been toying with 3d, making a sphere and scaling it so that our point of view is inside and adding a texture seems like a good plan. The texture map would have to be very high resolution, though, not sure if that would work well on a browser.

  • Good point f some objects could change and others would be "locked".

  • Thanks, R0J0hound, I'll make sure to try it out - just changing some UI things here so when that's done it'll be testing time.

    Since it's becoming increasingly clear that you simply know EVERYTHING, perhaps you have some ideas for this as well?

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  • Try looking at the events tab at the top ribbon

  • Certainly a possibility, but that would require easier controls - perhaps floating buttons or such over the shapes you drag in. That makes it slower, though. Well, if you check your PM you might get a closer look at what it's like now.

  • Thanks for the kind words, Burvey - I'm actually working on it as we type - there's going to be save states, more color choices, possibly smarter controls and more. Working on the new tileset now, I suspect it's going to enable nearly limitless little battle machine variety:

  • Burvey - since the project is open you can just load your own images into the main sprite. They should be square and preferably 256x256 pixels.

    I would like to add the ability of importing/drawing your own images on the fly, but we'll see how that goes. I'm currently making another "generator", this time for objects.

  • Hi, all. There are plenty of mega feature suggestions, but I have a simple one - allow random() and choose() in the Initial Value field of Instance variables. Sure, you can do this on creation, etc, but would be simply elegant if there was a way to just have it there. Object gets created and BAM! it has a random value where needed. Could also have a Random option for boolean values. Actually same goes for all the common fields of objects - being able to put random() there and have a random size,angle,speed, whatever at creation would be fantastic and would make event lists much cleaner.

  • Hi, all. I have noticed that when an objects gets scaled to quite a bit smaller than its initial size it suddenly gets a terrible downgrade in visual quality. Here's an example:


    On the right we have the original objects at full size (256x256 pixels) and on the left the terrible, jaggy scaled versions. I have set all the scaling options in view to high:


    Is there any way around this?

    Also, the 2nd problem is also visible there - the HLS adjustment effect produces some terrible results when near the limit of hue - what causes this, is there a workaround?