Somebody's Forum Posts

  • A much more sensible way to do this is to only spawn bullets if the variable is >0

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  • Share an example ' corrupt ' file so we can see if it's your files or your pc?

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  • Having clearly watermarked sprites is an interesting approach for sure, besides the "political" content.

  • Totally possible, but a great waste of shader resources - since then every tick it would just say to every pixel "be this opacity". I think you are better off with the behaviour or a sine behaviour with opacity for way more control.

  • I meant the pipes with the saws coming out of them - those were big pixelly beasts for sure.

    And the blur has a small chance of not quite working on some mobiles. It is a good thing you aren't using it during gameplay, but it might make sense to have a mild backup, like overlaying what gets blurred with slightly lighter or darker plane (so there is some separation even if the blur doesn't work).

    Also is that the built in blur? Have you tried giant blues from the fax forum? That might look even better.

    And yeah, the portal could avoid the fx, also you might get away with spawning a couple of green pixels a little ways away from it every 0.30 seconds or so which then get attracted to the center of it (or, for better performance just throw them out randomly every time they get close to the center). That would help sell it as a portal and just look neat in the process.

  • If the image is exactly the same it will use that image for multiple objects.

  • If it jumps back then it's probably due to the sticks generally being a little imprecise (either plain value shifts or a heavy thumb)...

    EDIT: Oh, turns out C2 already has a deadzone check - right in the Gamepad object settings. Maybe see if yours is high enough?

    I guess then you need a check for non-zero values - otherwise at 0,0 the angle will always be 0, thus facing right.

    [IGNORE EVERYTHING BELOW] - games usually have a "deadzone" so you might want to put in a little check, like:

    Gamepad.Axis(0, 0) is between values -ZZZ and ZZZ <== Some value here - I don't know what the value range for the gamepad is, maybe it's 0-1, then something like 0.05 might do, maybe it's a more usual 255, either way you could probably check debug to see the values.


    Gamepad.Axis(0, 1) is between values -ZZZ and ZZZ


  • Also the capx upload feature of the forum wasn't always there, which explains why many older posts didn't utilize it.

    Hell, the forum still doesn't let you upload .c2addon files - when the plugin/effect makers get tired of making zip files/clean their Dropbox or such the users will be screwed.

  • angle(X1,X2,Y1,Y2) finds the angle "between" two points (mathematically incorrect definition, but works for us).

    So you have an angle value that's between 0 and 360 - if you want to have 4 directions just divide by 90, round, then multiply by 90. For 8 directions use 45.

    So... round(angle(0, 0, Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1))/45)*45

  • Looking great, that gameplay is TIGHT (wanna steal it... ah, temptation ). Three things, which are totally just my opinion:

    1) The different pixel sizes in gameplay seem to mush the neat visuals a little, such as those pipes with the saws in them - I think it would look neater if everything had the same pixel scale.

    2) A similar "out of place" thing might be the rotating and fading green blocks when you smash them - perhaps a neat pixelly smash effect might look better, like spawning some particles, some 2x2px, some just a pixel, I think it might look great.

    3) As you are aiming at a mobile platform being careful with the shaders might be a good idea.

  • I'm 358.2% sure Ashley will close this as non-suitable, since he cannot debug a whole game for you - you need to find the element that makes it crash, make it repeatable and then add it into a small capx.

    But in this case I don't even think it's a bug - I could touch the star no problem and kept on moving.

    Also, what do you mean - Construct crashes? - does it show an error message (if so, what is it?), does it just hang, does it just close?

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  • Set value to choose(1,4,6)

    You should read the manual - it's not that long, you get some badges AND, most importantly, some well-needed knowledge on stuff like this.