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  • Sounds like you need to read some very basic tutorials and the manual. Angle is the movement angle 0 degrees points right and every degree over that goes a little clockwise.

  • Sounds to me like the most sensible thing is an auto-backup system where a user enters a link and the system copies the file to Scirra's server and offers a secondary download link. Every week or month or whatever it could auto-update - if it cannot find the file it just offers the latest available version.

  • Seems like a good start (nice weapon dynamics - the sort-of BFG is quite neat).

    Are you pasting those gibs onto canvas or is it all sprites for now?

    Also the ZQSD controls will be quite terrible for most of the world (I found myself using recoil to move, heh).

  • Or you could add something to make the name longer, like "Animation1" "Animation2" "Animation3" and then just do a Set animation to "Animation" & AnimationNumber <== Your variable sort of thing.

    The problem with "short" names I think lies not in shortness, but in it being a number.

  • Yes, its a gradient fade, can be left to right or right to left etc, but with variables that we can change dynamically via events/actions. Would be great if it had similar options as the default C2 Fade, such as start, wait, fade time and "destroy on fadeout" options.

    All right, I already had plans for linear and radial fades (have a interactive presentation project coming up, could be useful there) so this is very likely to be available. There's no real way to make a Shader remember something, but what I had in mind was position and width (of the gradient fadey part) - so you can programmatically change the position and achieve a decent amount of effects that way.

  • Mind sharing an example? Even a cropped area will do.

  • Export as PNG?

  • I've got a small request, is it possible to make an effect that modifies opacity of a sprite based on its length? Like a fading Laser that's bright at the source of origin and it fades as its further away from the source. I can do it via photoshop but I'd like it to be dynamic in-game that one can change the variable to make various intensities.

    Like a gradient fade? Or could you supply an example?

    I would repeat the usual "It's better to pre-make simple things than use Shaders a lot", but since the next version of your game is aimed at non-mobile platforms (right?) that shouldn't be a problem - in my testing it takes something like 4000 objects with Shaders to get real slowdown and about 2000 if the Shader parameters change every tick. Since I'm on a potato here, basically any PC should do just fine (at least with my simple Shaders).

  • I do not know if you know this, but I tried the scroll and C2:s own fade together and it produced strange results. But maybe you posted this just because of my findings. or from your own findings with the border shader problem. Looks like the transparency is culprit for many of the shader troubles?

    I did see your post and had observed this previously as well. Hopefully in the end we can have proper shader behaviour for all.

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  • I recommend posting a minimal repro capx as example if you find glitches like these, otherwise is hard for someone to know if it's really a bug. There's too much variables involved, and sometimes depending how it is setup it doesn't show up (like this time). I tested your shader and it worked as expected initially. But it needs a different stack order to manifest.

    As said above it will get a little tricky given the custom Shaders, but I guess Ashley will just have to install them. Will look into it.

    I have dozens of shaders that I did to myself but I never published (except for Alpha Threshold and old CC effects). Most of them still needs proper descriptions for parameters, some code clean up to remove commented junk, and proper usage examples. Like I said in another topic, I intend to publish them sometime but I never find the time to do it. Someday perhaps...

    You really should, people seem to like those things

  • I see now, I get the same glitched results. It's strange that the problem only occurs at a specific stack order.

    Well, I think it's not that much specific as "every following shader gets screwed" sort of thing.

    But it's definitely a bug.

    Amen to that! Finally someone gets it!

    Now I understand why one of my drop shadow shaders behaves weirdly when I change the opacity of an object or layer it's applied to. It's probably related to the problem you depicted in the other topic.

    Huh, you also have a drop shadow Shader? Or it hasn't been published?

    My guess is that it happens in C2's compositor. Maybe it can be an overlook caused by some kind of render optimization (?).

    I have a very recent Nvidia card with up to date drivers, so there's only a very small chance of being a driver's bug.

    And I have tested on a very old and semi-old Nvidia cards. Now we just have to hope this does get considered a problem and not "standard behaviour" and gets fixed. Most of my pixel-friendly Shaders depend on it.

    Edit: I would submit a bug report for both of these, but then the best way to show it is using my own Shaders so that might complicate things... Oh well, might just go ahead and do it (but probably tomorrow).

  • Only with Shaders and then you get a possible performance hit (or it may just not work - on mobile, for example).

  • I did some tests but I can't reproduce this inconsistent behavior that you are describing.

    You can try for yourself here.

    *I did some modifications to the shader based on what I think you are trying to achieve, but it works the same regardless of the modifications.

    I'll need to compare what those modifications do. The way it has an outline, but respects the alpha of the insides is great. Thanks!

    Are you getting the same results?

    I wasn't, because the test wasn't the same as mine - the moment we change the shader stack (shader BEFORE the effect) everything goes plenty bad here. I have changed your demo to show this:



    In my case it needs to be at least beyond one other Shader (one that trims things) so, unfortunately, I cannot change the stack order.

    In general I think it's related to this - the way Shader-using thing sequencing works (or doesn't):

  • Well, you have to have a variable that you change over time and then assign it to the effect - the effect itself is "dumb" and does not remember any values, just what you pass to it.


    NoiseStrength = 100

    Every tick: NoiseStrenght - dt*100, set effect Noise param 0 to NoiseStrength

    Would make the noise disappear within a second.