Somebody's Forum Posts

  • Here's a little example to get you going

  • Interesting read, Ashley - made me wonder - would it be practical to have, for example, eye-candy layers - within which objects have no impact on anything else - no collisions, no bounding boxes, no physics, either limited or no behaviours - the system just knows it needs to draw this layer. For stuff like particles and such perhaps the positions of the objects there could be calculated in parallel and then it all gets rendered when we get to that layer in zOrder.

  • (Do)DonPachi series - I think it has one of the best "feels" of a Shmup ever - when your pulse weapon switches to a laser that just razes weaker enemies - it's awesome. Classic arcade fare, you pick up power-ups, use bombs and there's no health bar as western Shmups tend to have. There's also plenty of challenge with cool bosses and lots of bullets.

    Edit: Not to mention best boss warning ever:

  • Well, I managed to do a little something - edit the inline Shader so it acts very much like what you would expect a "proper" selection to look like in an application:

    It can also work with the thicker line we have had so far:

    Feel free to comment on which one you would prefer.

    That loss of opacity between objects with straight edges is a side effect of a C2 bug (I guess) that hopefully can get fixed.

    More progress to come soon, hopefully.

  • That is quite weird - a plain animated sprite shouldn't bring your fps down - especially if it is off screen.

    Would you mind placing a separate one in a capx and sharing it to see what it's like then? Is it still slow without any events? If so, could you share that capx? For science

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  • Well, obviously it's what's different between the first two and the last one - is it Shaders, more objects, more complex events, wrong events (like something firing every tick) something else? You can use the debug mode to check your object counts and cpu usage to try and find the culprit.

  • What about this request?


    I did see the thread and did see TiAm's comment there, but he forgot to say a Some-thing three times <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Seriously, though, at least with my knowledge it feels like it wouldn't make too good a Shader - it would probably be possible to make something that simply fades out the previous frame for a Geometry-wars like effect, but "proper" motion blur is a little different.

    One approach would be to make something like the racetrack Shader: ... index.html but with control over X and Y coordinates and sort-of sample the pixels instead of just shifting them (which is responsible for the graininess of that version). Something tells me it would be a "greedy" Shader, though. I'll add it to the list of potential Shaders.

    Really cool! Good job!

    Thanks! THe pace has slowed down a little, but more will come.

  • Oops, there's a slight chance it isn't indeed

    I wish they made the "old" section have a different color scheme or something.

  • On the bottom you see Alpha, which is basically transparency - at 0 it's totally transparent, at 128 it's half-transparent and at 255 it's opaque. Perhaps you have it at 0?

  • Is alpha over 0?

  • Yup, function names don't work like objects - since they aren't objects, just names (I guess). So they don't auto rename throughout your event sheet or project.

  • Sounds like a good workaround to me, especially if more parameters, like hue, etc come into play.

    Shaders were really quick in construct classic, but for some reason on browsers they lack that speed.

  • Same effect but better performances ? Hey r0j0, do you want to make a similar version with the brightness parameter ?

    I know what you want this for, Coin, but you should really try having a single "things getting hit" layer and throw objects in and out of it. I can make a shader with the only function of making things white and no parameters so it would be as fast as possible, but that still won't be too fast with many objects I suspect.

  • Well, you can enable/disable effects at runtime - sometimes useful.

  • Depends on several things - if your Android device supports WebGL, if your events are well done, etc.

    Does lowering the resolution help?