Snikoggs's Forum Posts

  • No worries, this is fixed.

  • I am a Android game developer in Nigeria. My app is in the playstore and it has in-app products. The default price is naturally in Naira, as is my Merchant Bank account.

    Here is the problem: when I try to purchase a product from my game, it gives me this error "Authentication is required. You need to sign into your Google Account."

    My bank subsequently tells me that I have selected the DCC Payment option(Dynamic Currency Conversion) which allows me to pay in Naira which has temporarily restricted on all the cards.

    It further tells me to "reattempt the transaction and select the currency of the country you are transacting in".

    Now, I do not think this is my bank problem because I have a website hosted on Hostgator, and Hosgator charges 11 dollars from my account every month successfully.

    And when I try to buy stuff from Candy Crush, it does not give any problem. It goes straight ahead and shows me a dialogue to pay.

    I really do not know what the problem is - do I need to get a dollar account for my Google Merchant bank, so that it charges me in dollars and works?

    Did anyone in foreign countries have this issue? Please help.

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I've finished my game and compiled it using Cocoonio. I've also created/paid for a Developer Account with Apple, but unlike the Google Developer page, I do not know how to go about publishing my app.

    Are there any tutorials that could help me out?

    Please, and thank you.

  • Snikoggs


    I have just compiled my game, uploaded to Google Play and downloaded it on my phone. But it does not display in full screen; it only displays on the top corner of my screen.

    I have tried everything on this page ... ing-fixes/, but it still does not work. I have used Canvas+ and Webview+,but nothing.

    Please help.

  • > I exported my Construct 2 game to Cordava successfully, delete the config.xml and intel.xml thing, got the cocoon_box2d file and edit it in the index.html file, just as is instructed in the Tutorial. I followed the ... document-7 tutorial here.


    > I uploaded it to, unistalled Whitelist and added my inapp/PlayGame plugins and compiled it successfully.


    > After uploading the APK in the Google Play store, I published the app. Then I downloaded the game from the store, but it just displays the Cocoon logo and a black screen. This is the tenth time I've edited this app from some suggestions/fixes I find in other people's posts on here, but mine still does not work.


    > I really am confused, and would like some help, please.



    I would recommend you to compile a Developer App for your project. Then you can run the cordova expored zipped file. Moreover you can enter the console and see what the black screen has caused.

    Otherwise I can't say from here, what your issue is.

    You can also send me your capx file in a PM, then I'll check it on my end.



    I have done this and I have a log. I will pm it to you.

  • I exported my Construct 2 game to Cordava successfully, delete the config.xml and intel.xml thing, got the cocoon_box2d file and edit it in the index.html file, just as is instructed in the Tutorial. I followed the ... document-7 tutorial here.

    I uploaded it to, unistalled Whitelist and added my inapp/PlayGame plugins and compiled it successfully.

    After uploading the APK in the Google Play store, I published the app. Then I downloaded the game from the store, but it just displays the Cocoon logo and a black screen. This is the tenth time I've edited this app from some suggestions/fixes I find in other people's posts on here, but mine still does not work.

    I really am confused, and would like some help, please.

  • Hi,

    At what point in my game do I add IAP and a Leaderboard? I'm done with my game and ready to publish, but I need to configure IAP for some sprites, as well as a Leaderboard, but both things are new to me. My first game didn't use either of the two

    Which do I do first? Do I do them after exporting my game? Do I configure a leaderboard in my board AND in Google play?

  • I can't find the download link on their page. Bit minuscule.

  • > Hi, my Construct 2 does not have the Webstorage and Cordava plugin. Can someone link me to where I can get both plugins and other related plugins, please?

    > Thank you.


    Webstorage is called "LocalStorage" in newer release of Construct 2 and it is preinstalled. There are many types of cordova plugin, what kind of cordova plugin is missing? What do you mean by Construct 2 does not have it? Why do you need it, are you exporting to mobile?

    I presumed it had changed to LocalStorage, but wasn't sure because I'm trying to save a highscore and this plugin does not work the way WebStorage works.

    That is, if "localkey" exists, do [xx].

    else, create [localkey]

    I presume this works differently? Can you be of assistance?

    Also, I'm trying to release my game for Android/Windows/iPhones and it needs a Leaderboard. Someone suggested I use the Cordava plugin, but it does not have that.

  • Hi, my Construct 2 does not have the Webstorage and Cordava plugin. Can someone link me to where I can get both plugins and other related plugins, please?

    Thank you.

  • Hi, thank you. I am looking forward to reading your tutorials when you get to a computer.

    Also, I do not have the cordava plugin. Do you have a link to where I can install this from, please?

  • Hi, I've just finished developing my game and I'm trying to get it to work with a leaderBoard. Problem is I do not know how to.

    Earlier, I read using would work, but it seems that doesn't work anymore.

    Is there an alternative means of achieving this? I want to publish my game on Android/iPhone/Windows.

    Thank you.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • I intend to use the Android/Apple/Windows platform. I haven't done the store design, didn't know I had to. I'm really new to the IAP thing, my previous games haven't used that feature.

    I've just finished developing the game, and now, the next step is insert the IAP plugin. Haven't exported it yet.

  • Hi, lads. I know this has been asked before, but I haven't found a rather detailed guideline.

    I've just finished my game and I intend to make some sprites for sale. Please how do I do this? Can anyone point me to or give me a detailed instruction on how to?

    Thank you so much.

  • Hi. I downloaded and put the EaseTween behaviour in my behavior folder, but it still does not reflect when I open Construct 2.

    Is there an alternate way to install the behavior