sman118's Forum Posts

  • aroh I love the color palette and overall look of your game. Looking forward to more.

  • Meloo

    I'm liking the style. I'm not sure if its on purpose, but the slight lean forward gives him a sense of intent that I really enjoy. That and the bloody sword. Nice work.

  • That is an extremely interesting way of doing that. I never would have come up with that solution. Nice work. Also, you could probably put all of your movement platforms in a family to make it easier on yourself. That way you don't have put code in for each individual platform.

  • I don't have the exact answer, but I was watching a game with similar inspirations being made in XNA. I think I remember them saying that the trick was to map your controls to the shadow on the ground. The art and everything else is attached to the shadow to give the illusion that you are controlling the person.

    So you would then animate the character art moving up and down during a jump in relation to the location of the shadow.

    I could be way off on this, but that was my understanding.

    Its not as simple as just attaching the built in Behaviors, but I'm sure it can be done.

  • ramones That is working perfectly! I really need to study it to understand what you did, but its fixed all of the problems. Thanks for taking the time to figure this out.

  • Thanks That helped, but it will still occasionally fail to trigger the falling animation. Right now I have an animation called "Left" that is used whenever the player is holding something. Its basically a drawing of the Player character's head and arms holding whatever object was picked up. Sometimes when I hit "S", that piece of art will just fall instead of switching to the fall animation. Any help is appreciated.

  • I am extremely stumped. Hopefully I can explain this in a way that is remotely understandable.

    I'm working on a Superhero game where you carry civilians to safety. A long time ago, I was having trouble figuring out how to attach the civilian to the player to make it look like they're being carried. Animmaniac was kind enough to help me out and showed me how to do it with UID's. It has worked great ever since.

    The problem I'm having is that when you release the civilian (which contains the Platform Behavior), they fall while playing the walk animation. There is no point where I can "trigger" the fall animation and if I set it to play "while falling" they whole thing goes crazy.

    I'm not quite sure how to get that falling animation to play.

    Line 64 is where the carrying of objects/NPC's is located. You can see my attempts to trigger the animations below with the "Civ" family.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Arrow Keys to move.

    "F" key toggles flying

    "S" picks up and releases civilians

    "A" key while flying speeds you up

    Capx: Superhero Game: Falling Problems

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I've been itching to fill out my city with the NPC's/Civilians you'll be rescuing. Knowing that I want a lot of variety in the characters, I decided to start building my animations in Flash CS6 and then exporting the frames. I then shrink them down and limit the colors to give it the retro aesthetic that I like. This way, I can just redraw certain assets or swap pallets in Flash. That way I can quickly turn out a wide variety of different citizens with the same animations.

    The 24 frame walk cycle is roughly 40kb and is the longest animation they have. My early estimate is that all of the frames of animation will total less than 100kb per NPC. I've already added him into Construct 2 and its great to see him strolling down the street. I'm playing with the idea of randomizing each NPC's animation speed and a matching rate of movement. That should give some nice variety.

    <img src="" border="0" /><img src="" border="0" />

  • Just a real quick update. Added some new flight animations and attached the NPC sprite closer to its final spot. Still plenty more to go, but wanted a feel for how it would look.


  • TELLES0808 That is some really incredible work there. Great art direction and personality. You continue to raise the bar.

  • Nice work, Jeremy. You already have a strong visual style and I like the your color scheme. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you guys.

  • <img src="" border="0">

    Its been a while since I've put any substantial updates up on the forum, but the game is definitely still in progress. I've decided to start creating environmental assets as my "warm up" exercises when ever I begin an art project. I've also tried to be smarter with my memory management by using tiles and altering existing art with Construct's built in features. I'm pretty happy with the results so far.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Also, I've been working on a new HTML header for my website. Its definitely still a work in progress, but I'm happy with the results so far. I got a lot of help here on the forums in getting it embedded onto a blogger site (big thanks to E Bear ). Right now, the billboard can be clicked on and I have a slight camera move.

    Head over to my site to check it out:

  • Beautiful art style. As someone also working on a game that takes place in the city, I'm really jealous of your backgrounds. Do you have any gameplay footage yet?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Its been forever since I've been able to work on anything for my Superhero game. The schedule is getting so hectic that I'm going to have to squeeze in what I can when I can. So I decided to start trying to bang out some art assets as my art warm ups before I start other projects. I also got a little bit smarter about using Construct 2 and turned some stuff into tiles and playing with reusing other assets and adjusting colors.

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  • lucid Clearing Chrome's cache worked perfectly. Not sure what the problem was, but that fixed it.

    Still having the problem with the image files not loading with the scml file. Just so I'm clear on installation of the plugin (and I'm really sorry if you've covered this some place else):

    You download the zip file called "scml".

    Then, you extract the folder "scml" into the "plugins" folder inside Construct 2's install directory.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't wait to start working in Spriter. I've been brushing up on skeletal animation all week.