Sir LoLz's Forum Posts

  • mmmm I have been trying to get around this limit but I don't think it's possible. from my experiments I think that Q3D can only render the entire 3D scene once per tick.

    I was able to get it "working" by only rendering one viewport per tick. But this has the obvious side affect of dividing the FPS among all windows. so I can do 2 windows at 30fps, 3 at 20, ect. So I am realistically stuck at 2 windows at 30fps.

    QuaziGNRLnose I know that this plug in is deprecated. But if I offered to paypal you some cash would it be possible to get an extra action added? I need to be able to render a viewport, change the 3D scene (change the sprites frame), then render another viewport in the same tick?

  • I have run into an issue with rendering.

    My game has split screen support. and I want to be able to render different frames of a sprite object to different view ports. I was hoping if I set the frame skip ratio to 0 and then manually triggered a render for each camera I could achieve this

    however this does not happen. instead the frame used in the last camera render of a loop is used on all view ports.

    to experiment I set it to only render on a set loop index. and sure enough if I set it to render only the first or the second then the sprite render correctly.

    any idea how to fix this?

  • mmm.... So I am having a hard time importing textures for my model

    instead of loading the texture as one big texture in the animation file. I want to load textures with a material file (enabled with the "model materials" option under an objects "material properties" section.)

    however the textures never load. what formatting is Q3D looking for?

  • work on my project is getting there. I got most of the gameplay stuff done.

    I finished the weapon stats. such as bloom, reloading, firing rate. and what not. the host will be able to tweak these things. that way they can make the game more strategic or chaotic.

    next is some sound settings. the bullet now has 2 sounds. one for fired up close and one for fired far away. the game will mix the two depending on how far away the player is when the sound is fired.

    as far as game things go it's programmed. just need to start making the finalized art assets and work on the UI/presentation.

  • > looking sharp. it's using the q3d physics yah?

    Actually, No.

    I found it a bit too unreliable so I'm using the good old C2 Solid behavior.

    The cars' physics are actually just 2 2D images.

    I'm trying a fake 2D jump & falling behavior as well which is the hardest part, I'd like the cars to jump & Fall. But i won't really need the behavior.

    heh me too :P my shooter uses the default C2 physics as well.

  • looking sharp. it's using the q3d physics yah?

  • I’m not going to make a video on it as I don’t really have time. But also the truth is thats really it. All I did was add a physics behavior to the player. Every tick during the players movement the physics velocity is set to zero. And then I apply a physics force to the object in the direction I want the player to go. Then the physics behavior takes care of the rest. There is really not much more to it than that.

    Here is a picture of the code. I would suggest you gleam from it what you can and apply it to your own needs. something to keep in mind is my world is actually 2d. and I render the 3d one on top of it. so all of my movement is done with the normal C2 commands. I then use "on created" and "on destroyed" events to set up the 3d world. then those 3d assets are positioned in the same place as their 2d counterpart.

    I would suggest you experiment with it a bit. If you get stuck I will be happy to help iron out any issues. but again this is something you have to do for your own project. My code is custom made for my own needs.

  • bot support is coming along much nicer than I thought it would. Bots and players don't do damage to each other yet. but that will come.

    bots are red and players are yellow atm. players will be able to choose a color later. but for the sake of telling the bots apart from the players I kept it this way for now.

    no idea why their animation is getting stuck on the same frame. will need to look into that

  • jatin1726

    Just move the character? I'm not sure how to answer that as it depends on what you need moved, how it is moved, and what it interacts with. is it with default behaviors or something custom? are physics involved? Et cetera. It's not really a one size fits all thing.

    as for me I use physics movement. at the start of a players movement I set their velocity to zero. and then move them using the following physics velocity addition.

    x =(cos(angle_of_movment+player.angle)) * move_speed

    y =(sin(angle_of_movment+player.angle)) * move_speed

    sine and cosine works like an orbit. with angle_of_movment+player.angle specifying the angle relative to the center.

    angle_of_movment is the direction the player needs to travail represented as an angle between 0 and 360 (forward, backward, ect) however this number by itself will give the wrong direction as it is relative to the world. not the direction you face. hence...

    player.angle is the direction the player is facing. by adding this to the angle the player needs to go it makes the angle_of_movment relative to the player

  • adding a horde based survival mode.

    I am adding it so that way you can play on your own. but it will still work online for co op play

  • I would be happy to share. what part specifically are you interested in?

  • yah I can fix the silhouette. good tip.

    More progress.

    Animations are mostly done. I still need to do the die one. but I am saving that for later when dying is actually programmed in.

    I only did two animations for now when it comes to the character. Being run forward and sidestep. I reverse them when the character is going the other way.

    Dot product came in helpful again. Each peer keeps track of the last x and y cords of each player. If they match then the system knows they are standing still and plays the idle animation. But if they don't match then it will get the dot product of where they are to where they were. And it can then play the correct direction accordingly.

    I also did the first person view of the weapon firing. will make the image bounce as you move but that will happen later.

  • Just an update on my project.

    I finished the player model for my project (finally!). it's not the best out there but for a first attempt at a 3d human model I think it came out good enough.

    for now I have rendered the first animation (idle) now I need to animate moving in 4 directions and dying.

  • wow I owe you cjbruce for telling me about Dot Products. now that I know how to do basic computation of them I have found more uses for it.

    My project is a competitive shooter in the style of Midi Maze from way back in the DOS days. I realized though I would need some modern Quality of life things from modern games. such as knowing what direction you are getting shot at.

    I use a Dot Product the same way I do to know what direction a sprite should face. but using the bullets position instead of another player. I then turn that into an angle and use that to position a hurt effect on the players screen.

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  • Thanks for the tip! it repeats perfectly!

    I am going to copy your sample code there as well. I've struggled to get the camera working in my project too.