Sir LoLz's Forum Posts

  • Does the Offline Appcache work? It seemed to save images, but not music. I want to download the app completely so I don't have to use bandwidth. waiting for music to load after the app started kills me

  • Hello.

    I made an app that I intend to use for personal reasons only. and want to put it on my Iphone.

    I looked at the IOS web Hosting Tutorial, But it is giving me a headache. I must admit I don't really understand web hosting an App. I tried to upload the exported project to WordPress (hosted on Hostgator) But it does not upload all the files. the only time it ever worked was when dropbox did it...

    I don't really care to publish it. As stated I made it for myself, And I just want to get it on my own phone one way or another.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Oh ok I see. My issue was I only had one line of sight set to solids. and added the custom obstacle thinking it would still include it. (I feel adding a custom obstacle should always work though. But whatever.)

    I added a second LOS behavior and set it to custom like you did. and that fixed it.


  • Hello.

    I'm using line of sight to see if a projectile can hit it's target. aiming is with a crossheir like an arcade on rails shooter. Players will aim said crossheir with the right stick, and if they can see the point their crossheir is at. they can fire.

    I wanted an invisible door that players could pass though, but not projectiles. If I made said door solid players would not be able to pass. So I added the door object to the line of sight as a custom obstacle.

    yet for some reason the weapon can still see the point. it works fine with a solid obstacle. (the black wall.)


  • > Unfortunately I don't have his CAPX. Like you said it's down in the arcade. I really meant I got as far as I did with trial and error. I followed his example one line of code at a time.


    Ok Thanks!

    I PM's him so maybe we can get that CAPX as I would sure like to give it try.

    I already did a couple of days ago. he has not been on in a month tho. So no idea how long it will be before a reply.

  • Unfortunately I don't have his CAPX. Like you said it's down in the arcade. I really meant I got as far as I did with trial and error. I followed his example one line of code at a time.

  • Hello

    I'm playing around with Pseudo 3d. I've been using JoyfulDreamer's tutorial and have found it quite useful. after a little bit of trial and error I got it working nicely.

    But then I tried to add rotation and it does not seem to work. at first I tried setting the screen X and Y to the functions return values, but that did not work. Then I tried adding them to the non rotation values, but that seems to be worse.

    The issue I am perceiving is that strafing by the wall without rotation works. the closer you get the faster it disappears off screen. But rotation seems to only move it in a little circle around it's original position. and will not fly off screen rapidly if far away.


    JoyfulDreamer's tutorial.

    link to the project

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  • It was enough 99.


    I already had code for what I want them to do. but because objects in the same family will be able to attack each other I needed a way to pick a second closest instance to an instance of the same family. So that way the attacker would not attack itself.

    True I did not elaborate. I really did just want an instance to be able to pick another instance of it's own family. I guess I did not know what else to say.

    It is a melee attack.

  • thank you! finally got it to work!

    can't believe how hard picking the second closest instance was. feels like it should have been easier... oh well truth is stranger than fiction.

    Thanks again!

  • sure thing. Let me know if you do anything cool with it!

  • Oh wow. That was more work than I expected. Thank you.


    well it still does not work. I'm baffled. I pretty much copied your code. but the instance still picks itself. I don't get it.

  • Hello.

    I need to be able to have entities inside the same family to be able to attack each other. I can't do this with the hit box because I use that for navigation. (it only covers there feet to allow them to be drawn over walls.)

    My idea was to use an image point on the hand to see if it is within a distance of a body image point that would be on the target. and if so to then do attack stuff.

    however my code will not pick an instance other than itself. and if I put a condition to exclude itself it will then never pick anything.

    I'm sure it must be something simple. But for the life of me I can't figure it out.


    (note that I changed the numbers in the distance check to see if it would pick anything up. as such that would be changed later once this code works)

  • It is overused. But i think its more so incorrectly used. Games and movies use it just to have it just like how all 80s songs sound the same. However i love the effect, but like other elements in a game it has to be used to improve the experience. Not just for the sake of it. When used correctly it is very powerful

  • made a new version. what is better about this one is it will let the color of the light source influence the color of the dirt on the lens.

    The red and blue are extreme to show off the effect. if you balance the sprites out with white it would look more natural.

  • I think he was just having a little fun (I hope so?)

    but I got the loop to work. so now I can edit my description and just add the \ were I want breaks.

    Thanks a ton man. that helped a lot.