Sir LoLz's Forum Posts

  • ah I changed some export options and now it has no issues.

    I don't suppose there is a way to cast a ray or otherwise check the height of a point on an object?

  • playing around with loading a 3d object I seem to have missing faces. in blender, I selected all faces by material and then exported them as individual objects (I don't think I can apply multiple textures to the same object by use of the mtl file) but for some reason, some faces disappear in the addon. It's odd because if I load the same parts in a model viewer they show up fine.

    It also seems to only affect these ramp areas.

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  • got yah.

    I was able to get around it by using a sprite as a middleman, the now paster object's texture is loaded to the box object. and when that url is done loading from the "on image URL loaded" event the sprite is then loaded onto the 3d object.

    It is definitely not the optimal way to do this. But as long as I am careful to manage paintable surfaces and texture sizes it should be manageable. doing a test with surface sizes of 1920x1920 X 8 test surfaces I get about 147.48MB image usage. if later on it becomes an issue again I may take a look at modifying your plugin in some way if you are ok with that.

  • I was trying to get a splatoon like effect where you can "paint" the ground. to do this I have combined the effects of the canvas plug-in.

    for each "ground" I create a canvas (for different heights) and link the canvas to the ground. then paste a "paint" object to the canvas and then load the canvas image from url. it works well.

    however, there is a flash from the 3d object when the texture updates. is there a way around this?

    I have attached a capx based off the billboarding example.

  • is it possible to paste an object with effects applied to it? when pasting a sprite it looks as it does normally.

  • ah after purchasing it I see that you need to do some config work. so it won't work inside Construct. Oh well.

  • Could this be included inside the game and executed through the Browser object to enable LAN for a game? I know that LAN will work even with the official server, but that still needs you to connect to the internet. if possible I would like to start the server on a local IP for others on the network to join.

  • Those are fair counterpoints. I just find the lack of good documentation to be frustrating (for example for 3D animation)

  • Grimmy Mayfly the plugin has been discontinued. So no new updates sadly.

    the plugin is not compatible with C3 I believe. but It works fine for C2 provided you just wanna do simple stuff. for example, I use it for billboarding to great effect in these 2 examples

    It works great for my needs as I love that doom sprite look. However, I would not say it's useful for true 3D. As most of the functions are half-finished. So while it can load 3d objects and move a camera around them with ease it has poor animation support, limited physics, and even worse documentation.

  • jatin1726 if I ever get a free moment I will make an example of how I do bilboarding sprites. but life is crazy for me at the moment.

  • The animations for the player object

    The first number in the animations name is the direction (360 / 8)and the second is the action ("S" meant slide I think and "i" means idle). The animations name represents the direction (of the 8 possible facings) and the frame represents how far into an animation it is playing"

    So I set the direction by only changing the number in the name with Set animation({direction to face}& right(player,animationname,1))

    the same is true the other way around. so when want to play an action (idle. stiffing, ect) I reverse it

    set animation(left(player.animationname,1) & {action}

    I have shelved the project for now tho. I was having a hard time getting people to test with and I doubted the game would be a success. So I decided to work on another project

  • megatronx

    There are shaders but I am not using any. the toon shade was added with the tool I rendered the sprites with.

  • > adding a horde based survival mode.




    > I am adding it so that way you can play on your own. but it will still work online for co op play

    Are u using cell shading shader for q3d?

    no. that is how the sprite looks. (I use billboarding like in doom)

  • Never heard anything about my rendering issue. guess it's time to improvise.

    I ended up creating a new object I named "Imposter". what the imposter does is copy the world at an offset. creating multiple copies of the same space but so far away they don't see the other worlds. I then place each players camera in their Imposter world.

    this does mean that the strain on performance will grow exponentially . but considering I plan to get assets simple it should be fine. plus I can still do optimizations. such as only spawning imposter sprites if that player could see it anyway

  • thanks totoe