... nadventure
1st Demo (BETA) of my 2nd Mobile Game App...similar to the Mobile Game 'Red Ball', so please try it out. It consist of the 1st Stage titled VALLEY, and the 1st Four Levels and the BOSS Level. The finished version has 5 Stages with 10 Levels (9 regular levels plus a BOSS level) per Stage.
It's still in development, so I'm still in the process of adding a Stage Select, some Particle effects and probably a few more enemies for the 1st Stage.
Now, there are alot of bugs in the game so far, some I can fix, and some I can't:
FIXABLE (I think, <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes"> )
- The Physics (esp. with the 'Jumping' of the Ball) is a bit wonky in a few places. Currently working to fix it.
- When you first open the app, I get this:
I dunno why...does it has something to do with the Intel XDK/Cordova export?
- And sometimes after awhile all sounds (BGM and F/X) totally stop playing. I have no clue why.
So please try it out, give feedback and tips on how to improve gameplay. And if you can help with any of the above bugs/errors (might post them in one of the technical forum sections), much thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">