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    > UberLou


    > Im not sure but doesn't C2 do this already? at least sprite has a function for it internally, might not be used. It might be possible, though I haven't thought about it enough.


    I believe textures are only unloaded on layout changes.

    That is true,

    quote from my "official question"

    In other post you mentioned (Ashley) that objects place on a layout are automatically loaded into a memory and will stay loaded until layout is changed. Objects that are not placed on a layout but spawn/created in runtime are then loaded into a memory and when last instance of it will get destroyed object will be unloaded from memory. But then it turns out that even if you create or spawn objects they will stay loaded for entire layout, even when last instance is destroyed.

    So every objects texture you create/spawn into the layout stays in the memory until you restart or change to another layout.

  • SpriteFonts++++ - where you could select part of the text and change it's color/bold/italic (always was imaging that as a one sprite with many images (like animations in sprite)) - without using shaders.

    But actually some time ago Ashley mentioned about...can't remember the name so lets call this UberSprite. An object that is a blend between Tiled Background and Sprite.

    Where you could set things like: repeat texture, offset a texture, scale texture etc.. I wonder what happened to that idea.

    Tilemap+ - where you could set some variables for specific cells (without using separate Array object) and maybe some easier and nicer way to make it work for isometric grids

    and what newt said, all thou Path might be tricky with current SDK and editror limitations :/

  • hi could you pls add what you said to my .capx because i keep trying but it doesnt work . Here is the link

    www. dropbox. com/s/9ze6nklhk6tfs6a/Space%20Defenders.capx?dl=0

    If you remind me tonight (well tonight of my timezone xD) then I will do it. I'm not at home at the moment.

  • delgado sure, give me few minutes and I'll back to you

  • delgado You can right click on "Insert New Object" window and select "show deprecated plugins - then you will see Webstorage

  • Edit: Looks like dropbox have some issues currently so

    + System: len(TextBox.Text) > 6
      + Trigger once   ->  Button: Set Visible
    + Else
    + Trigger once     ->  Button: Set Invisible[/code:3c77qyyn]
  • How "big" is your game that you already have problems with fillrate?

  • Compare Two values

    System: len(TextBox.Text) > 6 - do your actions

  • Basically using the same as Aurel, but I'm usually using two 2x2 Tiled Backgrounds (white and black) - resized to cover entire screen with LiteTween and a function so i can control easily with one action and few parameters if I want to fade in or out, black or white and speed of fading - It's been working without any issues or dropped frames on web and mobiles for me so far.

  • Hey delgado old friend, still having troubles with "System date" plugin?

    First you need to save current time somewhere in your events. Webstorage was usually very good at it.

    In your event's (when you want to save time) make event - > "Webstorage: Set local key "OldTime" to Data.UnixTimestamp

    Then on start of the layout you need to compare that to check if one hour have passed.

    on start of layout -> 3600 < Date.UnixTimestamp - int(WebStorage.LocalValue("OldTime")) - > do your events

    It basically says "if 3600 is less then (current time - saved time) then one hour have passed".

  • Here's one way to do it:

    Make a global text variable "pickedname"

    Give your turret pictures text variables "name" and set it to "turret1", "turret2" etc. for each turret picture


    • on click on turret picture set "pickedname" to ""
    • on click on layout
    • "pickedname" = "turret1 - > create turret 1 sprite
    • "pickedname" = "turret2" - > create turret 2 sprite


  • In simple words,

    There are two angles (like in bullet behavior) one is responsible for displaying a rotation of the sprite and second one for moving it.

    At start of the game angle of motion for this sprite is 0 - that's why if you set "Accelerate CustomMovement Forwards 100" it will only go right - check the vectors in debugger.

    But if you need to move in a direction then you need to specify the speed and direction (angle of motion) - Accelerate CustomMovement 100 at angle Self.Angle.

  • Yup, Now i can agree to that statement

  • 3D is not confusing. All you need to do, is to know what you want to do and how you want to do it. It's simple as that.

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  • Q3D is confusing because of the limited editor SDK of C2, so if people want powerful plugins with good editor integration, im afraid supporting C3 development is the only way they can do it... Regardless Q3D is constantly improving, and hopefully i'll have time to get some documentation out after the next update which finalizes a lot. I can guarantee using Q3D is way easier than trying to make a 3D WebGL game directly, and it works quite well at achieving that goal.

    I'm all aware of that my friend. You have put tremendous amount of work to make this plugin happen and it is really great and powerful . But unfortunately, currently C2 is not making it any easier to use. I never found your plugin hard to use - speaking about event logic. But rather what confuses me a lot is C2 editor itself, placing 3d object in 2d inverted space is not fun for me at all. That's why I stopped using it, not because it's bad but because it takes too much time from me to set things right. That's why for time being I choose UE4 to do 3d stuff only cause i can do what I want faster and in full 3d space. I know I could build myself a nice 3d editor in C2 and use it to for my needs, but that's not the point here. I really hope I could use Q3D in a nice environment

    "Mobile games aren't complicated, and that's because you really need to develop them from the ground up to get any kind of good performance."

    And that is true as well, people tends to forget about that. But again current crosswalk do not help making even that easier, while having problems with almost empty projects