shinkan's Forum Posts

  • it works but Construct crashes when i try to run/debug it

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  • can't load your cap file:

    "plugin MD5 (md5.csx) could not be found"

  • i don't think we could call them terrorism. hackers broke computers, not humans. People can live without computer. If they make a virus that will melt your brain then i start call them terrorists and for now their are just pathetic loosers with no life.

  • i don't like them too but i don't agree with that

    I'll never understand the thrill behind it. You don't get any money out of it, you don't learn anything worthwhile, you can't make a living out of it and you can get your *** ripped apart in court if you're getting caught.
    If there'd be any practical reason to spend your time with hacking and writing a virus, I'd understand it, but there's no reward at all. Except that it probably turns you into an ******** But anyway.[/code:jxhpuglt]
    don't know now but in the past some people doing that kind of stuff was offered a job by some corporations, like even our famous and lovely windows makers and some of them were sent to jail 'couse they were not good enough.
    best example -> Kevin Mitnick...that guy have tough life after they cought him...and now? he's one of the best and well paid security experts.
    so i think stupid kids doing this hacking stuff thinks the same: "I will make best virus ever and i'm gonna be rich!!! yeah baby give me some sugar."
  • yeah that's true just joking.

    specially that i'm going back to school in march to finish that "artistic computer graphics" thingy.

    ehh it's gonna be lazy time again...but that would be awsome to learn things about "how to make games" instead of boooring philosophy or art history class...

  • hmm..that's not bad idea at all, but can you promise they will not kick me out if i ask?

  • who's adult?

  • same here.

    alt+Tab doesnt show Construct on Vista Home Premium.

  • wish i have schools teaching about game designs and art in my lovely country

  • nice game, just one thing: on the level when you have avoid enemy ships...nothing happens...there's no enemy ships to avoid at all...or maybe i just went to far

  • LOL.

    please erease my memory

    btw. it was quite nice movie, i mean i'm not a big mario game fan...but movie was nice

  • Heh, i've spend in Blackpool almost 3 years, and on my first winter there i remember snow starts falling - for me it was something natural (i seen snow every year) but people from blackpool told me that it was first snow for over 20 years!!! and i was like: "umm...what?!"

  • i'dont want to know how their momma looks like...

  • i'm relax, it's just...some time ago i bought racedriver: grid for my younger brother, and of course playing on keyboard was imposible, so he connect his joypad and...nothing - i checked the box again (was written that the game can use controllers) and after about 2 hours i found in the manual on dvd that yes, game can use controllers but only from thrustmaster or microsoft!!!

    and it was not only one game i bought....

    so, if some game developers think that i will buy x360 controller to play their game well...fsda@#k you

  • - [FIX] The repeat to was causing animations to act like they had pingpong enabled and stuff[/code:1sz52on6]
    I was waitng for ages for that...long live the king