shinkan's Forum Posts

  • i just send Linear sampling to the tracker

    but i'm nut sure about 2nd problem "Selecting and moving many objects..."

    Becouse on my pc at work it's just fine. what i can think of is windows (xp at work, vista at home) or graphic card.

  • i finnaly started making my game and i have some problems with construct

    1. problem - Linear sampling couse texture flickering - but not a big issue becouse Point sampling works fine for my project - but still a bug.

    2. problem - Selecting and moving many objects (in layout editor) to other place makes each object shift a few pixels to any direction.

    managed to do simple "engine", so player is in front of "bright wall", and behind "dark wall".

    I used simple For Each and overlapse conditions for player Zordering and they work fine, but problem is when you get to the corners - where bright and dark walls occupy same place on screen - player sprite goes allways behind dark wall, and have no idea what to do with that.

    hold RMB to move screen


  • did you try change colors?..umm i mean what is red make it black and what is black make it red.

  • then try *.tga - one of them works for 100%

  • ...Yes they do. what kind of files are you using? *.tga, *.png?

  • if that was hidden for some how they import their frames??? one by one??? wow

  • I can understand ripping sprite for own learning purposes, to see how characters are animated (walk, run, jump) or how diferent objects are drawn so you could use that knowledge to make your own sprites, but using someone else graphics for your own game it's just lame, and even after that saying you are making a fangame it's not that cool at all .

    To be honest i don't realy understand that fangame idea...our world don't need another 10.000 Mario Bros or Megaman fangame-rip games...but it's only my opinion.

  • or just post here...

    ...nie ma zadnego sensu by robic oddzielne forum, na kt�rym by tylko byly "games for polish" a poniewarz "the newest infos are always here" tym bardziej jest to pozbawione logiki.

    Lepiej bylo by zrobic jakas stronke typu i tam zamieszac wszelkie pomoce, pliki i te te gry dla polak�w...

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  • can you post an image of that example

    [quote:18p2omyt]"...Sins of Solar empire captured top down spaceship and using Photoshop to create the 36 sprites of 2D perspective transformed."


  • With perspective people will only need to create 1 top down sprite like always.

    and how do you want to cheat perspective using only one sprite, huh?

    distortion of flat sprite will not give it more depth or 3d look

  • yeah that's true, it look's a lot like kick-ass-style-never-released-Limbo the game

  • Would it be possible to move bumpmapping/heightmap from "effects" to Picture Editor?

    normaly you must have ie. 20 sprites (10 sprites + 10 with bumpmap) set events for them to control light proper way.

    Adding extra icon to picture editor for import bump...files could make it twice less painfull. Import your picture then import your bumpmap and its ready, one sprite with bumpmap. If you could then set bumpmap light to the Light object it would be nice effect without any events and unnecessary "effect sprites".

  • I don't mind polish people lol..

    but is there a point to have polish forum for 3 people?

    use skype or sth for that

  • Polish are becoming next chinese.

    You what?