There is many ways to achieve that.
You could even try easetween - it's really nice and easy to use
or simple lerp(Start.X, Finish.X, some time)
Loading/start/option screen is awesome. And I like your pixel style.
Gameplay... well I wait for some improvements ;)
haha, should I be scared? ;P
Are you using any sprite detector to move around?
It might be due to your internet connection. Before I moved to different house I had a broadband and never seen that error. Now i'm on the mobile internet only and usually see that every 2nd - 3rd post I'm trying to make.
as Wastrel said - copying everything you wrote before pressing "Post Replay" it's a very good practice. Been doing that for a while now.
and one more
I found this video
and here is a *.fx
uniform vec2 lightpos; uniform vec3 lightColor; uniform float screenHeight; uniform vec3 lightAttenuation; uniform float radius; uniform sampler2D texture; void main() { vec2 pixel=gl_FragCoord.xy; pixel.y=screenHeight-pixel.y; vec2 aux=lightpos-pixel; float distance=length(aux); float attenuation=1.0/(lightAttenuation.x+lightAttenuation.y*distance+lightAttenuation.z*distance*distance); vec4 color=vec4(attenuation,attenuation,attenuation,1.0)*vec4(lightColor,1.0); gl_FragColor = color;//*texture2D(texture,gl_TexCoord[0].st); }
maybe someone will find it useful and do something with that
Have fun :)
distance(bar.X, bar.Y, sphere.X, sphere.Y) - yes, from the origin point
but you modified it as you want
distance(bar.X, bar.Y-(bar.Height/2), sphere.X, sphere.Y) - this will check between sphere origin point and bar top center.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
what about checking distance between bar and sphere?
distance(bar.X, bar.Y, sphere.X, sphere.Y) < 100 -> change color
You serious?, How did you wrote expressions before?
It's a list of system expressions
Great news. Thanks Ashley
If I may ask, what kind of 80 frames long animation you have there?
Maybe there is a way to recreate that in event? having many objects with 80+ animation frames could really lower your game frame rate.
It's quite unique bug :D
It happens to me today again while two instances of C2 was opened, and again after restart when CC and C2 was opened.
They've been possible but there is no plugin to make it simple. Here is a way to implement it using the canvas object to draw the shadows.
They've been possible but there is no plugin to make it simple.
Here is a way to implement it using the canvas object to draw the shadows.
Rory that's nice and simple walkaround - done something similar already.
But it's not a dynamic shadow,and won't work with round objects.