sgn15's Forum Posts

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    Those 4 pirates are my basic enemies in my game. how do I make them NOT OVERLAP one another as well as the player (char at the leftmost part of screen)?


    by "overlap", I mean that that each of the characters have a "body", so of course, a body cannot occupy the same space already occupied by another person.

    I first thought of adding solid behavior, but that would result in my chars being treated as a floor (you can step over the object with solid behavior)

  • I used this value (below) as the value of an instance variable (being set "Every tick")

    distance(Players.X, PirateSwordStand.X, Players.Y, PirateSwordStand.Y)

    I only want the horizontal distance (x axis) between "players" and "PirateSwordStand".

    If the horizontal distance between the 2 objects is less than 20, PirateSwordStand will stop walking (simulated, not by pressing buttons) and go to "Stance" animation.

    In what units are the distances being measured? I used 20 as the value but I don't have a clue about how long 20 units of distance is.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The PirateSwordStand DOES NOT go to Stance animation and/or Attack animation.

    Also, how do I stop the walking of the platform ?


    PirateSwordStand is an enemy, so the movements/controls of the GoonBox are simulated.

    The codes shown in the pic results in the PirateSwordStand instances walking back and forth.

    What I want is for them to stop walking, change animation to Stance, then change to Attack animation, if and only if when the player is near them (per instance)

  • The "Is moving->walk" and "Is NOT moving->stance" are from the platformer tutorial. I just renamed Idle to Stance

    My walk codes are from that tutorial as well

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I just added a walk speed

  • this is for a platform beat em up game. both are for player's basics.

    Jump landing is of course for falling from jump.

    bounce is an animation for when players lands on the floor after being hit while on-air.

    The animation the player uses when damaged on air and while falling is HurtFall. The player is supposed to use the animation Bounce when the player lands on the ground.

    The jumpfall is working and the bounce isn't.

    which do you mean by "main event"?

    The animation is not playing conditions were added because the bounce were not playing. I do have the same opinion as you that those are not needed, but I lost ideas on how to fix this.

  • no help?

  • <img src="" border="0" />

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  • <img src="" border="0" />

    I made it to work!


    I want to make the player go backwards a bit (vector x) and go upwards a bit (vector y). Already did it.

    Then, the player will go to "bounce" animation, then "LieDownGetUp" animation, then go to "Stance" animation.

    The circled part, sometimes WORKS, sometimes it DOESN'T.

  • just a question, in your picture, why do you play "JumpDamage" animation when the player is "platform on jump"?

    jumping automatically damages your player?

  • No. You misunderstood me. I said I can use "On Jumping" and "On falling" as sub-events as you can see from the pic

    "On landed" is not available as sub-event.

    I tried only using "On moving" and run the layout, the fall animation works for Players family. But I was walking, not jumping in the game when the fall animation work.

  • right now I can't

  • hmmm, yours is simpler than mine, but I can't imitate yours because I need to check first if GoonsAttackCLSN (hit box for attacking) collided with PlayerBox.

    I already have a damage for standing (which already works)

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I just imitated the air version from that and change the on floor to "on falling" and "on jumping" because "on landed" is not available as sub-event

  • I can't open. I'm using r139

    anyway, can you post a picture of the involved events? I just need the specific events for my issue. thanks in advance.

  • Hi, I have programmed the damage (while on ground) animation for my character.

    I can't seem to make the damage/hurt animation play for when my character is in air.

    How do you detect when a char is in air?

    I used "on falling" and "on jumping" and the "Fall" animation is not working.

    "Fall" is the animation while falling.

    I want my char to play "Fall" while falling and play "lieDownAndGetUp" animation after landing on the ground.

    The "On landed" condition is not available as a sub-event.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I have also tried:

    • removing that "On moving" condition from the picture
    • using "On floor" INVERTED

    both don't work either

  • LittleStain

    I read the manual about containers again. I understand the effect of making a container but the actual container in the example is vague (for me). In the example, there is a container that contains both the base and the turret? Am I right? or is the base the container that contains the turret?

    In my case, I should select GoonBox and click create container and select PirateSwordStand? or vice versa?

    I tried both and in both cases, I got this error message when running the layout

    Javascript error! TypeError: cur_frame is undefined localhost/Sprite_plugin.js, line 803 (col undefined) This is either a bug in Construct 2 or a problem in a third party plugin or behavior - please report it to the developer!


    ok thanks. At first I assumed some staffs was increasing the rep of members posting.


    that message appeared when I tried to reply to a PM, but yeah I encountered that while posting too. Thanks.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    can't reply/send pm to you/anyone else :

    how many rep do I need to send PMs? no clue how rep here increase either.

    anyway, the sprites I used were ripped from video games. I'm trying to make a game based on the story of "One Piece" (a japanese manga/anime). The sprites are for public use. I can give you the link to it if you want. I am also ripping sprites from games.

    I am still not familiar with the concept of container, among other concepts of C2.

    Just to be clear, this is my format so far:

    Goons (family)

    • Pirate with sword (stand) <----this is what I am only programming so far
    • Pirate with sword (air)
    • Pirate with knife
    • Pirate with bomb
    • Pirate with gun
    • many others I have planned

    Player (family)

    • Luffy (only player I have programmed right now)

    playerBox (platform body of objects from player family)

    playerAttackCLSN (hitbox for player's attacks)

    goonBox - platform body for goons objects

    In that layout screenshot, I put 4 instances of pirateSwordStand and 4 instances of goonbox (rectangle sprite). So if I use a container, I don't have to manually add a goonbox for each pirate I add to the layout?

    I don't understand how using a container will fix the single hurt animation issue. Shouldn't I use an instance variable instead since the hurt animation is per instance of the pirateSwordStand ?